

The role of the grandparents is very important in the life of their grandchildren. With our life style they learnt to not get attached too much of things, but they get attached to people authentically and profoundly when it happens. 

Grandma Paula is “The One”, the top grandma out of the fantastic four grandparents received from the universe. 

Unfortunately, she is no longer with us, she left for the stars and left a big empty place in the hearts of the people who knew her. She remains to her grandchildren and to us an example of kindness. She was more soothing than fresh bread and better than a Ferrari. 

With my mom, they spoke last about 4 and a half years ago. They don’t miss her, Ana doesn’t remember her and they all have so little memories together that they can’t miss her. 

Missing is related to the amount of shared beautiful memories. We learnt in school that the word “dor” (longing) exists only in the Romanian language, but with the traveling, we found that this was not true. Portuguese has its own “saudades” in the vocabulary, but in the end, it’s the feeling behind the word that counts. 

The word does nothing more than point the finger to the heart. 

Grandfathers are like the dads, present and absent at the same time. 

I think it’s a man’s problem to be present and absent at the same time. 

We are in the same place, Coqueiral do Aracruz beach. We stayed on the beach and talked about grandparents. 

And pretty much that!


Rolul bunicilor este foarte important in viata nepotilor lor. Copiilor mei daca este sa le fie dor de cineva, le este de bunici. Cu stilul nostru de viata au invatat sa nu se lege prea mult de lucruri dar de oameni se leaga profund si autentic cand o fac. 

Mamaie Paula este “The One”, bunica de bunica dintre cei patru bunici fantastici cu care i-a inzestrat Universul. Din pacate dansa nu mai este printre noi, a plecat in lumea celor care nu cuvanta si a lasat un mare gol in inimile celor care au cunoscut-o. 

A ramas pentru nepoti si pentru noi, un exemplu de bunatate. Era mai buna decat painea calda sau decat un Ferrari.

Cu mama mea au vorbit ultima oara acum 4 ani jumate. Nu-i simt lipsa, Ana nu-si aduce aminte de ea iar ceilalti doi au prea putine experiente in comun pentru a starni vreun dor. 

Dorul este strans legat si direct proportional cu bagajul de memorii frumoase cumulate impreuna.

Am invatat la scoala despre cuvantul dor ca nu exista decat in limba romana dar am descoperit calatorind ca nu este asa. Vorbitorii de limba portugheza au si ei cuvantul dor in vocabular (saudades), dar in final nu cuvantul conteaza ci sentimentul din spatele cuvantului.

Cuvantul nu face altceva decat sa arate cu degetul inspre inima.

Bunicii sunt ca tatii, prezenti dar absenti. Cred ca este o problema a barbatilor sa fie prezenti dar absenti.

Noi am ramas in acelasi loc, pe plaja din Coqueiral do Aracruz. Am stat pe plaja si am vorbit despre bunici.

Si atat!

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