Kids were up together with the sun. Their thoughts didn’t let them sleep too long. Today we enter our new home. We rented an apartment in a quadruplex only 300m away from the beach. It is absolutely empty, new and white. We don’t even have a kitchen sink, we will show you pictures.
We would like to keep this minimal style. As for the interior design project based on the principles of maximum creativity, minimum budget, I will keep you posted, this way I will invite you every day to visit us… on our blog. That is if you have time because it seems that time is missing in the very engaged society.
You make money or you don’t, but time passes by anyway.
And we all receive from the Source 24 hrs / day. And all this hours, with the story of every minute and the happenings of every hour is, in the end, life. But actually you only have the 24 hours that were given to you initially. What you do with this gift is up to each and every one of us, but from what I see, people usually don’t appreciate every moment and these hours pass one by one.
And when this happens you are not glad because you don’t see the gift anymore. You destroyed it, you scheduled it, you unwrapped it like a naughty child and trashed the gift. The gift is not to be scheduled, is to be enjoyed. But let’s leave the philosophy of the gift away because reality is right at our door knocking and we don’t want to be late for the meeting with Mr Joel, the owner of our new apartment and the owner of the fish market down the corner of street.
Because we are tenants and he saw us interested in the fruits of the ocean as he speaks of his merchandise in general, he told us that the prices for us will be discounted. So our summer will be full of seafood.
We started packing, we relaxed all morning on the beach and before noon we left the kids in the tent and we went to meet Mr Joel, to see what contracts, indexes and other things we have to take care of. Surprise! Mr Joel is more relaxed than us. He left for the holidays and he left us the keys of the apartment at the fish market where Joel jr, his son, was slicing the fish while his father and mother relax for a few days.
Junior, who is my age, gives me the keys, but the money goes to his father.
“Well, Junior, I will be away for a few days, I have to go to Florianopolis to take care of the visas, I don’t know when I am back”
“Then we will see each other when you are back, no stress”
Tranquilo, as they say! Tranquilo it is!
I was thinking of the Romanian saying that goes something like: a poor man lacks even luck.
I don’t know what poverty the saying was talking about, because we don’t have money, but we have luck, just the opposite. Just by accident we walked by a furniture store. As we don’t have anything in the house, we stopped to see if we find a second-hand stove. We found no stove, but for $30 we found a medicinal Japanese mattress with magnets. We knew the brand, very expensive, a new one costs thousands of dollars.
I knew that they don’t know what they are selling when they asked $50. Ignorance costs so I negotiated and paid $30 in the end. 🙂
On our way back home we stopped at a fruits store from where we took some wooden caskets. Lavinia wants an organic design, she says that we can’t give up the natural stuff now that we live in a house.
They asked $3 for a casket, but when they found what we want to use them for, they cut the price in half. They were nice and wanted to give them full of part spoiled fruits, but we refused, not because we are proud, but because there was no more place in our car.
We used the caskets to build a sort of a bed, do you like it? 🙂
Copiii au fost in picioare odata cu soarele. Gandurile nu i-au lasat sa doarma mai mult. Astazi intram in casa noua. Am inchiriat un apartament intr-un quadruplex la numai 300 de metri de plaja. Nu avem nimic inauntru, este nou, gol si alb. Nu avem nici macar chiuveta la bucatarie, o sa vedeti in poze cum arata.
Ne-ar placea sa-i pastram aerul asta minimalist. Cat despre proiectul amenajarii interioare pe modelul creativitate maxima, buget minim, va voi tine la curent, asa v-as invita sa treceti in fiecare zi prin blogul nostru. Asta daca aveti timp, pentru ca timpul se pare ca lipseste in societatea concret angrenata in acelasi joc.
Banii se fac sau nu, timpul trece oricum.
Si toti primim de la sursa, 24 de ore/zi. Si toate orele astea adunate, cu povestea fiecarui minut si intamplarea fiecarei ore, inseamna viata pur si simplu.
Dar practic, nu ai decat 24 de ore ce ti-au fost date cadou.
Cum vrei sa te bucuri de acest cadou este problema fiecaruia numai ca, din cate observ, in general oamenii nu se bucura si orele astea trec programate.
Si cand ai facut asta, nu te bucuri pentru ca tu nu mai vezi un cadou.
L-ai distrus, l-ai programat, i-ai rupt ambalajul ca un copil isteric si l-ai calcat in picioare. Cadoul nu se programeaza, rolul cadoului este sa te bucure!
Dar sa lasam filosofia cadoului deoparte pentru ca ne bate realitatea la usa si ne-am grabit sa nu intarziem la intalnirea stabilita cu nenea Joel, propietarul noului nostru apartament si propietarul Pescariei din colt de asemenea.
Pentru ca-i suntem chiriasi si ne-a vazut interesati de fructele oceanului cum denumeste el la modul general marfa pe care-o comercializeaza, ne-a anuntat ca preturile pentru noi vor fi cu discount! Asa ca, vom avea o vara plina de peste si fructe de mare.
N-am apucat sa impachetam, ne-am relaxat toata dimineata la plaja, si inainte de miezul zilei am lasat copiii in cort si am plecat sa ne intalnim cu nenea Joel, sa vedem ce contracte, indexuri si alte chestii trebuie sa executam. Surpriza! Nenea Joel e mai relaxat decat noi; a plecat in concediu si ne-a lasat cheile apartamentului la pescarie unde Joel Junior, fiul despica pestii in 4 cat timp tatal a plecat cu mami sa se relaxeze cateva zile.
Imi da Juniorul care-i de varsta mea cheile dar banii imi zice ca trebuie sa-i dau lui tati, cand se intoarce. Pai bai Junior, stai ca eu o sa plec prin Florianopolis sa-mi prelungesc viza si nu stiu cat stau. Atunci sa ne vedem sanatosi cand v-oti intoarce, nu-i stress!
Tranquilo, vorba lor! Tranquilo atunci!
Ma gandeam la vorba romaneasca ca la omul sarac, nici boii nu trag! Nu stiu la ce saracie se referea in proverb, pentru ca noi nu prea avem bani si avem noroc, e tocmai invers!
Pai din intamplare, am trecut pe langa un magazin de mobila. Cum nu avem nimic, am oprit sa vedem daca gasim un aragaz second hand. N-am gasit aragaz dar cu 30$, ne-am cumparat o saltea medicala Japoneza cu magneti. Cunosteam firma, scumpa rau, mii de dolari una noua!
Stiam ca ei nu stiu ce vand cand mi-au cerut 50$ pentru ea!
Pentru ca ignoranta se plateste, i-am negociat! Am luat-o cu 30$! Tot in drum spre casa, acum in formatie completa am oprit la un magazin cu fructe de unde am luat ladite de lemn. Lavinia are chef de design organic, zice ea, ca daca stam in casa nu putem sa renuntam la natura.
Ne-au cerut 3 dolari pe ladita, cand ne-au intrebat ce facem cu ele pretul s-a injumatatit. Au fost foarte draguti, vroiau sa ni le dea pline cu fructe stricate dar bune daca le alegi. Am refuzat fructele nu ca suntem fitosi, dar nu mai aveam loc in masina nici de un ac aruncat.
Am folosit lazile si ne-am facut o structura de pat. Noua ne place, voua? 🙂
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