
PRAIA DO SARGI – 21 MAY 2020 – IDrive

A few years ago we were in Paraguay, Ciudad del Este, the town that lies at the three frontiers between Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil. 

There are no taxes in Ciudad del Este and it is known that it is the cheapest town in South America. Here we bought some external disks to save the pictures and videos made throughout the years. 

After one week of hard work, we managed to fill one hard disk with our most cherished memories.

The inevitable happened, somebody dropped it and it broke. It hasn’t been working since.

I asked the children who did this and of course, they looked at me with big, kind, almost teary eyes and answered that it wasn’t them. 

Anyway, obviously hard disk can destroy themselves. 

At that point we decided to store our library on a cloud. 

Although we use mac’s, iCloud doesn’t like us because it doesn’t back-up external drives. 

Our wait came to an end and for a few weeks, we can sleep peacefully again. 

The solution? 


Great price, online assistance (we used it and a guy connected remotely to our laptop and solved the problem on the spot) and a service nobody else has, called iDrive Express. 

They send you a hard drive of a few Terra capacity, you import your library on it, you send it back and they put the files on your cloud for you in an instant. 

That is if you want your files imported as quickly as possible. 

We were in no hurry and we put on the cloud more than one Terra in a little over one week. 

The price? 6.95$ for 5 Terra in the first year. 

The second year costs 74.62$, but it’s still very good. 

Another cool thing is that if you want to download big files and you can’t wait, they can send you once a year, for free, a hard drive to download promptly what you need, using iDrive Express again. 

The offer is time sensitive so if you need a great back-up service, click here and have a look. 

Be careful, if you click the link and you sign for a plan with them, we will be reimbursed, ok?

We wrote this post out of the love of sharing the joy of breathing freely with our memories safe, cents are just an extra.

Other than that, nothing, all’s good…


Cu ceva ani in urma eram in Paraguay, Ciudad del Este, orasul ce uneste cele trei frontiere intre Paraguay, Argentina si Brazilia. In Ciudad del Este nu se practica taxele si este recunoscut ca fiind cel mai ieftin loc din toata America de Sud. 

Aici noi ne-am cumparat niste hard disk-uri externe pentru a ne salva pozele si video-urile facute de-a lungul anilor. 

Dupa o munca de cateva saptamani de sortari asidue, am reusit sa umplem un hard disk cu ce aveam noi mai de pret. 

Inevitabilul s-a produs, adica cineva a dat cu el de pamant si l-a spart. 

N-a mai functionat de atunci. 

Am intrebat copiii cine a facut asta si evident ca s-au uitat cu ochi mari si blanzi, aproape in lacrimi, si au raspuns ca nu ei. 

In fine, cert este ca hard-urile se pot distruge si singure. 

De atunci ne-am gandit sa ne stocam toate imaginile pe un cloud online. 

Cu toate ca folosim mac-uri, Icloud-ul nu ne place pentru ca nu iti ofera posibilitatea sa faci backup la harduri externe. 

Asteptarea noastra a dat roade si de cateva saptamani respiram linistiti. 



Pret genial, asistenta online (am folosit-o si un nene a intrat remote pe laptop-ul nostru si ne-a rezolvat problema instant), si un serviciu pe care nu-l are nimeni numit IDrive Express. 

Baietii iti trimit un hard de cativa terra ca sa-ti pui pe el repede sutele de giga, il trimiti inapoi si-ti urca ei instant pe cloud-ul tau fisierele. 

Asta daca te grabesti si vrei sa-ti vezi fisierele sus cat mai repede. 

Noi nu ne-am grabit si am urcat un tera intr-o saptamana si un pic. 

Pret? 6.95$ – 5 Terabiti pentru primul an! 

Incredibil, nu? 

Al doilea an vei plati 74.62$ dar tot bine e! 

Alta chestie tare, daca vrei sa descarci fisiere mari si nu poti astepta, o data pe an, gratis, iti trimit ei hard-ul lor sa-ti descarci imediat ce ai nevoie, tot prin serviciul IDrive Express.

Oferta este limitata asa ca daca ai nevoie de un serviciu de backup online misto, apasa aici si trage cu urechea.

Atentie, daca apesi pe link si comanzi vreun serviciu de la ei, ne bagi si noua niste banuti in buzunar, da!?

Am scris acest post din dragostea de a impartasi bucuria unei respiratii linistite pentru ca ne- am asigurat memoriile, centii sunt doar o victima colaterala!

In rest, nimic, toate bune…

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