30 May PRAIA DO SARGI – 28 MAY 2020 – “If you have a minute … VERY GOOD!”
Carla kept knocking my head off for several days to write about “If you have a minute … VERY GOOD!”.
“If you have a minute … VERY GOOD!” is a short film directed by Ivo Baru, which was recommended to us by Dobrescus, and they did well because not a day has passed since then without us remembering it and laugh.
The film is delicious, savory, and tragic at the same time.
In Romania, tragicomedy is daily, everyone sees it, some play it, many live it and others are just spectators.
So, if you have a minute … VERY GOOD!
I will love to know the opinion about the movie of non-Romanian speakers.
Did you like it?!
35mm, b/w, 9′
Language: Romanian with English subtitles Year of production: 2003 Produced by: National University of Drama & Film – Bucharest
Awards: Best Director – “Manaki Brothers” BItola, Macedonia; Best Short Fiction – “Sapte Arte” Calarasi, Romania; Audience award and Best Actor in a Leading role – “Cinemaiubit” Bucharest, Romania
Festivals: Tampere, Finland; Postdam, Germany; Hamburg, Germany; Oslo, Norway; Sankt Petersburg, Russia; Benicasium, Spain; Sf. Gheorghe, Romania; Bitola, Macedonia; Calarasi, Romania; Bristol, Great Britain; Munich, Germany; Bucharest, Romania
Directed by: Ivo Baru
Cinematography by: Stefan Stefanoski
Sound & Film Editing by: Silvia Matei
Written by: Vlad Lazar
Cast: Andi Vasluianu, Richard Bovnoczki, Adriana Butoi, Doru Boguta
Daca aveti un minut…FOARTE BINE!
Carla ma tot bate la cap de cateva zile sa scriu despre “Daca aveti un minut…FOARTE BINE!”.
“Daca aveti un minut…FOARTE BINE!” este un scurt metraj in regia lui Ivo Baru, pe care ni l-au recomandat Dobrestii.
Bine au facut pentru ca de atunci nu a trecut zi fara sa ne amintim de el si sa ne descretim fruntile.
Filmul este delicios, savuros si tragic in acelasi timp.
In Romania tragicomedia este zilnica, toti o vad, unii o joaca, multi o traiesc si altii sunt doar spectatori.
Asadar, Daca aveti un minut…FOARTE BINE!
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