

We were wandering around in the old center of Araial d’Ajuda when I realized that for three days we have been walking past Maroto’s house without realizing it. 

Maroto if you didn’t know, is the famous creator of the Lambada Jatobar style of music.

Yesterday, Lavinia wrote an email to the Eco Park, one of the best waterparks in the world, asking for permission to shoot with the drone. The answer was a big NO for security reasons, but we were offered two invitations as a consolation.

I refused them and paid for the tickets.

Just kidding!

Everything is confirmed and tomorrow morning at 10 sharp we’ll be glued to the entrance gate of the wonderful aquatic amusement park.

I’m kidding, again, we’re going to be 100% late!

Otherwise, nothing, we are fulfilling our dreams!


Mergeam agale prin centrul vechi din Araial d’Ajuda si realizez ca de trei zile trecem pe langa casa lui Maroto fara sa ne dam seama. Maroto daca nu stiati, este celebrul creator al stilului de musica Lambada Jatobar. 

Ieri, Lavinia a scris un mail celor de la parcul de distractii Eco Park prin care le-a cerut permisiunea de a filma cu drona. Cu drona nu se poate filma din motive de siguranta dar ne-au oferit doua invitatii drept consolare. 

Le-am refuzat si am platit biletele. 


Avem alunecarea confirmata si maine la 10 dimineata vom fi cu sufletul la gura si lipiti de  poarta de intrare a minunatului parc de distractii acvatic. 

Iar glumesc, o sa intarziem 100%!

In rest, nimic, ne indeplinim visele!

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