Late traveller
Our life is a permanent vacation. But we work all day. Very often we keep working until 1 or 2 am trying to finish what we started.
We are connected to our lives and our dreams. We don’t have a logic, a recipe or advices.
What do we do? We test, we marvel, we ask, we have fun.
To be able to do this we had to leave. I realized that the environment defines you and draws you in like a river of mud.
If you are not paying attention you might get run over by a log carried by the infuriated mud.
The schedule, family, friends and memories are like a spider web in which dreams get stuck and dried out by wind and time.
When you travel, but not like a tourist, you can become friends with the locals.
But for this you have to travel slow, very slow because in the beginning you are a tourist.
In the second month you are a tourist with money.
In the third month the locals don’t know what to believe but they understood that you are not that “gringo”who solve his problems by the force of his mastercard.
Only in the 4th month you are no longer seen as a tourist and then they act as themselves.
These are the best times. We have been in Brazil for 6 months. We are friends with our neighbor, singer and artist Sal. “Salt” in Romanian.
He taught us how to make bread, local bean stew, how to plant watermelons, about Brazilian musical history and gives us free cultural linguistic classes.
I especially liked the expression “maluco beleza”, a phrase made famous around the globe by the rock legend of Brazil, Raul Seixas.
The words forming this phrase have opposite meanings: maluco = crazy and beleza = beauty.
How do Brazilians explain this phrase?
One part madness plus one part reason will result in a crazy beauty.
Nice, right?
This is one of the nice things of late travelers aka slow travelers. Some details, connections and emotion that you will never be able to find in a vacation.
There are plenty of other unique moments when we learn about other traditions, impossible to be described in words.
We thank you, Sal, for all your dedicated time and warmth!
We love you!
I AM Family
Calatorul Intarziat
Viata noastra este un concediu permanent. Dar muncim toata ziua. De cele mai multe ori, ne apuca 1-2 noaptea incercand sa ducem la bun sfarsit ceea ce ne-am propus.
Suntem conectati cu viata si cu visul. Nu avem o logica o reteta sau vreun sfat.
Ce facem?
Testam, ne miram, ne intrebam si ne distram.
Ca sa putem face asta, a trebuit sa plecam. Mi-am dat seama ca mediul te defineste si te trage inspre el ca un suvoi de noroi.
Daca nu esti atent si fara nicio vina te poate dobora un bustean carat de mocirla infuriata.
Programul, familia, prietenii si memoriile sunt ca o panza de paianjan in care visele raman prinse si uscate de vant si timp.
Cand calatoresti dar nu esti turist, ai sansa sa te imprietenesti cu localnicii.
Dar trebuie sa calatoresti incet, incet de tot pentru ca in prima luna esti turist.
In a doua luna esti turist cu bani.
In a treia luna nu stiu ce sa mai creada, au inteles localnicii ca nu esti acel “gringo” care-si rezolva orice problema prin puterea master-ului, la card ma refer, bineinteles.
Din a patra luna nu te mai vad ca pe un turist si atunci sunt ei, insisi.
Ei, atunci este cel mai misto!
Noi suntem de 6 luni in Brazilia. Ne-am imprietenit cu vecinul, artistul si cantaretul Sal, Sare in Romana.
El ne-a invatat sa facem paine, mancare de fasole pe stil brazilian, sa plantam pepeni si ananas, ne-a pus la curent cu istoria muzicala a Braziliei si ne tine lectii de cultura lingvistica.
Cel mai mult mi-a placut expresia “maluco beleza”, expresie facuta celebra in lume de catre parintele Rock al Braziliei, Raul Seixas. Cuvintele ce formeaza expresia nu sunt in acord, maluco=nebun, beleza=frumusete.
Cum explica brazilienii expresia daca-i intrebi ce inseamna?
Una masura nebunie amestecata cu una masura de ratiune iti va da o frumusete de nebun.
Misto, nu?
Cam asta-i una din chestiile suuuper misto ale calatorilor intarziati aka slow travel. Niste amanunte, legaturi si emotii imposibil de gasit in concediu.
Sunt enorm de multe alte momente unice in care invatam despre alte obiceiuri, imposibil de cuprins in cuvinte.
Iti multumim Sal pentru toata caldura si timpul acordat.
Te iubim,
I AM Family
ina simona cirlan
Posted at 07:05h, 01 MarchM-am bucurat nespus sa va descopar. Sunteti minunati! Ma bucur ca aveti si texte scrise in romana, in felul asta va pot recomanda si prietenilor care nu stiu engleza. Sa va fie mereu bine!