There have been more words written about love than water in the river Danube.
Frédéric Beigbeder wrote a fantastic novel called “Love Lasts Three Years” where he explains in a romantic way how love comes with an expiration term of 3 years.
Love is a natural drug, when we are in love, the biochemistry of our body is completely modified.
At the mere appearance of the loved one, the brain releases a cocktail of substances that bring euphoria and attraction.
Well, in about three years this free drugging thing disappears and when the loved one appears you stop losing yourself in his eyes, but rather into his phone, more recent “studies” show.
If you have children fast, you are suffocated, you don’t have time for euphorias and everything turns into a partnership.
We and they.
Now love is a partnership in fact.
C.G. Jung delimitated 4 stages of life, Erik Erikson lived longer and found more, 5, the sure fact is that people who say “yes” to love will be very different in 3 years and even more different in 30.
Culture idealizes an eternal love when actually love only exists now.
If you regulate love it turns into a contract.
Love only is now and if it isn’t, it means it has expired.
Some relationships are like wine, they turn better over time and that is because they had a good contract.
Love means wanting to spend time together, outside time and contract.
Other than that, nothing, we signed again for 15 years!
A curs mai multa cerneala pe hartie decat apa pe Dunare pe subiectul dragostei. Frédéric Beigbeder a scris un roman demential intitulat “Dragostea dureaza trei ani”, in care explica romantat cum dragostea vine la pachet cu un termen de valabilitate de trei ani.
Dragostea este un drog natural ce ni se intampla, cand suntem indragostiti biochimia corpului este complet modificata.
La simpla aparitie a persoanei iubite, creierul elibereaza un cocktail de substante ale fericirii si simti euforie si atractie.
Ei bine, dupa vreo maxim trei ani treaba asta cu drogatul pe gratis dispare si cand apare persoana iubita nu i te mai pierzi in ochi ci in propriul telefon mai nou!
Daca faci repede copiii, esti sufocat, n-ai timp de euforii si totul se transforma intr-un parteneriat.
Noi si ei.
Acum dragostea e un parteneriat de fapt.
C.G. Jung delimita 4 stagii ale vietii. Erik Erikson care a trait mai mult a gasit 5, cert este ca persoanele care spun din dragoste da, vor fi altele peste 3 ani si cu totul si cu totul altele peste 30 de ani.
Cultura ne ideologizeaza cu o dragoste permanenta cand dragostea este doar acum. Daca reglementezi dragostea ea devine contract.
Dragostea este doar acum si daca nu este, inseamna ca a expirat.
Unele relatii sunt precum vinul, devin mai bune odata cu trecerea timpului si asta din cauza ca au avut un contract bun.
Dragostea inseamna in final sa-ti doresti sa-ti petreci timpul impreuna, in afara timpului si fara contract.
In rest, nimic, am semnat din nou pe 15 ani!
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