18 May PRAIA DO SARGI – 17 MAY 2020 – NEW HOME
We found a house.
Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, an equipped kitchen, a small yard with coconut trees, almond trees, and jumping monkeys.
Yes, we heard a noise in the tree and when we looked, what did we see?
A hand-size monkey with round eyes watching us intrigued.
Two jumps later she was gone, but she left a big smile on our faces.
The house is a traditional Bahian one, meaning no ceiling and no windows, just wooden shutters.
They are built this way to stimulate ventilation because of the humid atmosphere.
Now it’s an off-season period so the prices are set accordingly. We paid almost 250$ / month, utilities included.
So for a few months we will enjoy the sea, surf and sun.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Ne-am gasit casa!
Trei camere, doua bai, living, bucatarie utilata, curte mica cu cocotieri, migdali si maimute saritoare.
Da, am auzit un fosnet in copac si cand ne-am uitat, ce sa vezi?! O maimuta mica cat o palma si cu ochii bulbucati ne privea mirata.
Din doua salturi s-a facut nevazuta dar noua ne-a lasat un zambet larg pe fata.
Casa este una traditional Bahiana, adica nu are tavan si nici geamuri, doar obloane de lemn.
Sunt construite in acest fel pentru a stimula ventilatia si asta din cauza atmosferei predominat umede.
Acum in Brazilia ne aflam in afara sezonului si preturile sunt pe masura.
Am platit aproape 250$/ luna, cu utilitatile incluse.
Asa ca pentru cateva luni ne vom bucura de plaja, surf si soare.
In rest,nimic, toate bune…
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