The majority of the permanent travelers that we meet are craftsmen. There are also digital nomads, but those we didn’t meet.
Digital nomads are like aliens, everybody is talking about them, but no one has ever seen one. We see them on Instagram, we know of their existence, but, once again, never met them.
The craftsmen we met come from different backgrounds: economists, doctors, dentists, lawyers, sellers, musicians, teachers, businessmen, etc.
We actually met travelers with each of the before mentioned jobs but turned craftsmen out of necessity.
They say that crafting is a new passion for them that gives them the freedom to live free and keep traveling.
They say they like it, but I don’t necessarily believe that.
Making handmade stuff implies selling them. Making a pair of earrings is one, selling them is a whole different story.
Selling hand-made requires a story.
The story of the travelers, of the process of making a piece, implies human connection and touching a sensible string.
Now I understand my fellow gypsies, why their grand-fathers and grand-grand-father were making silver objects, pots and pans and so on. Nomads must make things with their own hands in order to sustain themselves.
The kids learnt in Zimbros to make stuffed dolls and teddy bears.
A wonderful lady, Renata Vaz Longo, passioned puppeteer, taught the kids for 3 weeks to cut, saw and bring to life dolls and teddy bears, as I told you.
Carla paid for her and her brothers’ lessons with a video clip made by her, you can watch it here.
In the meantime, they made 10 teddy bears in order to sell them and save money for chocolate and underwear.
They split the business, Carla is making them because she is faster, Ana and Aris sell them because they are not ashamed to do that.
While we were in Paraty they walked the streets to sell their teddies with a story, made by kids for kids – anti-nightmare teddies.
You sleep holding them and they keep you away from nightmares.
They came back upset that people don’t want anti-nightmare teddy bears, they want Easter bunnies!
Majoritatea calatorilor permanenti cu care ne intalnim sunt artizani. Mai exista si categoria de nomad digital dar inca nu i-am intalnit personal.
Nomazii digitali sunt un fel de extraterestri, toata lumea vorbeste despre ei dar nimeni nu i-a intalnit.
De vazut ii vedem pe instagram, stim ca exista dar inca o data, personal nu i-am intalnit.
Artizanii pe care i-am intalnit au la baza profesii diferite, gen: economisti, doctori, stomatologi, avocati, vanzatori, muzicieni, profesori, patroni, etc. Chiar am intalnit calatori permanenti cu toate meseriile enumerate mai sus dar de nevoie transformati in artizani.
Ei spun ca artizanatul este o noua pasiune ce le ofera resursele pentru a trai liber si a calatori in continuare.
Cica le place, eu nu cred asta. Sa faci produse de artizanat implica sa le si vinzi. Sa faci o pereche de cercei e una, sa-i vinzi e cu totul si cu totul altceva.
In vanzarea produselor de artizanat se lucreaza cu poveste. Cu povestea calatorului cu procesul de fabricatie al produsului, implica o conectare inter- umana si atingerea coardelor sensibile ale cumparatorului.
Acum ii inteleg eu mai bine pe conationalii nostri tigani, de ce bunicii si strabunicii lor erau argintari, caldarari si asa mai departe. Nomazii de principiu trebuie sa faca ceva cu manutele lor pentru a se intretine.
Copiii au invatat in Zimbros sa faca papusi si ursuleti de plus.
O doamna geniala, Renata Vaz Longo, papusar din dragoste i-a invatat pe copii timp de trei saptamani sa taie, coasa si sa dea viata unor lucruri geniale, v-am zis, papusi si ursuleti de plus.
Carla a platit pentru cursul ei si al fratilor cu un video editat de catre ea, il puteti vedea aici.
Intre timp au facut 10 ursuleti de plus, ca sa-i vanda pe drum si sa-si faca bani de ciocolata si chiloti.
S-au impartit in 2 tabere, Carla-i face ca se misca mai repede iar Ana cu Aris ii vand, ca nu le e rusine.
Cat timp am stat in Paraty, au plecat pe strazi sa-si vanda ursii cu poveste, facuti de manutele lor de copii pentru copii.
Povestea ursilor este ca ei sunt ursii anti-cosmar. Dormi cu ei in brate si te apara de cosmaruri.
S-au intors dupa doua ore suparati ca lumea nu vrea ursi anti cosmar, vor iepurasi de paste!
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