We follow several people who travel the world. We have also met quite a few. In my opinion they fall under one of the following categories:
The conquistadors, 50+
These are usually couples from the most developed countries of Central and Northern Europe, Canada and the US. Medium – high level.
The Searchers, under 45 (or the lost, as my father would say)
Usually lone persons in search of freedom and peace.
Families with kids
These I know what they’re after – freedom and a different approach of education.
Well, the first category is less present on-line, their age, their stability and the purpose of their travel makes them very different than the next two.
The other two start exploring beyond their comfort zone.
The adventure is life itself, you have other experiences and implications. And as the majority of the ones inside the latter two categories have a well established on-line presence, the bottom line of their message is “discover and do what you love!”
The next step after finding that passion is to make a real action plan. The last step, which is more of a process than a step, is to stick to this plan.
Yes, the boundaries you are farther out of your comfort zone are in close relation to your budget. It’s one thing to work in a gas station and another from a 3-star hotel. We’re tried both!
As our budget is fairly the same each month, only the events change and some are more “consuming” than others. At this point (should we remind here that we’ve been for 7 months on the road now) I can say that we are sick of gas stations and even campings are less attractive. We can’t work any more than we do now to earn better, so what is left is a tactical change. We will avoid gas stations and certainly the side of the road, and rather look for places within the nature, like the one where we stopped today.
So here we are in this beautiful place, we are together, we feel we have a clear vision and working in that direction, we have fun and we love each other.
The big picture and what we feel is quite nice and we laugh that we have to run 1 km to the top of the hill to get a signal. It’s funny to have all this top technology and a rock for a desk.
Our house on wheels parked on the lascivious sand of the riverside beach and the kids playing in the huge garden of God.
Urmarim foarte multe persoane ce si-au luat lumea in cap. Ne-am intalnit cu multe, de asemenea. As putea spune ca se impart in 3 categorii:
Conquistadorii + 50
Acestia sunt de obicei cupluri din tarile super dezvoltate ale Europei Centrale si de Nord Est, Canada si Sua. Medium-High level!
Cautatorii (sau ratacitii cum ar spune tata) < 45
De obicei persoane singure in cautarea linistii si libertatii.
si Familii cu copiii – Astia stiu clar ce vor; liberate si o alta abordare a educatiei.
Ei, bine prima categorie este mai putin prezenta pe online, varsta, stabilitatea si intentia pentru care acestia tot calatoresc este cu totul si cu totul de o alta natura fata de urmatoarele doua.
Urmatoarele doua, incep sa-si iasa din zona de comfort. Aventura e cam viata pur si simplu aici, incep sa se schimbe si trairile si implicatiile.
Si cum majoritatea celor doua categorii despre care tocmai vorbeam, sunt mult mai prezente pe online, substratul general valabil al mesajului transmis este “descopera si fa ceea ce-ti place”!
Urmatorul pas, dupa ce ai gasit acea pasiune, este sa-ti faci un plan ancorat in timp si realitate.
Si ultimul pas care este un proces, nu un pas in sine, este sa nu te lasi in a urmari acel plan.
Da, nivelul iesirii din zona de confort este direct proportional cu bugetul implicat si una este sa lucrezi din benzinarii si alta dintr-un hotel de cel putin 3 stele. Am incercat si una si alta!
Cum bugetul nostru este mai mult sau mai putin acelasi iar evenimentele se schimba, unele “te consuma” mai mult decat altele as putea spune ca m-am saturat de benzinarii si nici campingurile nu mai sunt atragatoare. Nu putem lucra mai mult decat o facem pentru a ne suplimenta bugetul asa ca nu ne mai ramane decat o varianta; schimbam optica! Nu mai oprim la benzinarii peste noapte, nici pe marginea drumului pentru ca este… groaznic, o sa cautam locuri cat mai in natura cacel de astazi!
Deci, ce avem: un loc minunat in mijlocul naturii, ne avem pe noi aproape, simtim ca facem ceva si muncim in acea directie, ne distram si ne iubim. Poza ( a se citi the picture) si ce simtim e foarte misto si radem ca trebuie sa fugim un kilometru pe o creasta cu laptop-ul si telefonul in mana sa prindem semnal. E misto sa te trezesti la birou, pe o piatra, inarmat pana-n dinti de tehnologie. Casa pe roti parcata pe nisipul lasciv al plajei fluviale unde am inoptat si copiii afara, in curtea imensa a lui Dumnezeu.
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