29 May PARATY – 28 MAY 2019 – INTIMACY
Our house is tiny, but we have a huge yard. We are parked on the beach so we drink our coffee with our feet in the salty ocean water.
Today the environment police came and told us we are parked wrong. I said I was sorry, but we’ve been here for a week. They said it was ok so far, but strong winds will be coming from the South East. I shrugged my eyes as blown by winds of North East trying to fake it that I wasn’t understanding what they were saying.
They saw that I was not “into winds” so they simply said that high tide was coming and if we don’t move the car we will be in the water the next morning.
Why didn’t you say so, I’m not a sailor, I don’t “know winds”.
Anyway, I was trying to say that we can’t have it all, I know that.
We have a huge yard, but no intimacy.
That’s what we are missing, intimacy.
I feel like at the beginning of our relationship when I first met Lavinia’s parents. We were sleeping in separate rooms. My father-in-law is a priest and we weren’t even engaged.
Last evening we went just the two of us to take a walk on the beach like high-schoolers. Our kids have an area sensor and when we get out of the perimeter they search for us as if at least we abandoned them in every country we’ve been in.
As I was saying, you can’t have it all.
Casa noastra este mica dar avem o curte imensa. Suntem parcati pe plaja asa ca in fiecare dimineata ne bem cafeaua cu picioarele inmuiate in apa sarata a oceanului.
Astazi a venit politia de la mediu si ne-a avertizat ca stam prost. Eu am zis ca-mi cer scuze dar suntem asa de o saptamana. Ei au zis ca pana acum a fost ok dar se anunta vant puternic din Sud-Est. Am facut ochii mici ca batuti de vanturi de Nord-Est incercand sa mimez ca n-am inteles nimic.
Au inteles ca nu le am cu vanturile si mi-au spus pe intelesul meu ca vine maree si daca nu mut masina o sa ma dau jos direct in apa.
Asa zi frate, nu ma lua cu vanturile ca nu stiu sa navighez.
In fine, vroiam sa zic ca nu le putem avea pe toate, stiu asta. Avem o curte imensa dar nu avem intimitate.
Asta ne cam lipseste, intimitatea.
Ma simt ca la inceputurile relatiei cand i-am cunoscut pe parintii Laviniei.
Dormeam in camere separate. Deh, socra-miu este preot si noi de abea ne cunoscusem, nu eram nici macar logoditi.
Aseara am plecat si noi pe plaja sa ne plimbam ca liceenii. Copiii nostri au senzor de perimetru, cum iesim din raza lor ne cauta cu lumanarea de parca i-am parasit cel putin in fiecare tara pe care-am vizitat-o.
Ce sa zic, asta e, n-ai cum sa le ai pe toate!
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