28 Jul ARACRUZ – 26 JULY 2019 – PARROTS
Today we remained on Coquerial do Aracruz beach. The beach is gorgeous, surrounded by hundreds of coconut trees and populated by thousands of parrots.
We found that the parrots are one of the noisiest birds, they don’t keep quiet for a second.
What we didn’t know was what an old man from the village told us, the fact that they mate for life. When they fly, they fly together, the old man told us. I think they are quarreling because they stay together this much time, I say foolishly.
Noo, he said smiling, they talk much because they love each other.
These birds are the symbol of love because they stay and kiss all the time and their touching bodies form the shape of a heart.
We had to leave yesterday from the coconut area because of the falling coconuts.
The old man warned us we didn’t park wisely. It appears that the trees hadn’t been harvested and because it’s winter and it’s windy, the coconuts fall.
He was worried about the surfboard, lest it should be broken.
Forget about the board, what about our heads?
So we moved a few hundred meters farther, under an almond tree.
Still on the beach.
Am ramas si astazi pe plaja din Coqueiral do Aracruz. Plaja este superba, imprejmuita de cateva sute de cocotieri si populati cu mii de papagali. Am descoperit ca papagalii sunt una dintre cele mai galagioase pasari, nu tac o secunda. Ce nu stiam despre ei dar ne-a povestit un batranel localnic este faptul ca-si aleg partenerul pe viata.
– Si cand zboara, o fac tot impreuna, ne povesteste batranul.
– Cred ca se cearta la cat de mult timp stau impreuna, zic eu neinspirat.
– Nuuuu zice batranul zambind, vorbesc! Vorbesc mult pentru ca se iubesc, zice el. Aceste pasari sunt simbolul dragostei pentru ca stau si se pupa tot timpul iar corpurile lor alaturate formeaza o inimioara.
Cert este ca noi a trebuit sa plecam ieri din parcul cu cocotieri, nu de prea multe declaratii ci din cauza nucilor de cocos.
Ne-a avertizat batranul ca am parcat prost. Cica palmierii nu sunt curatati si cum e iarna si vant, pica nucile vechi.
– Auzi, si nu de alta, dar va rupe placa de surf.
Lasa nene placa de surf dar cu caputu’ cum ramane?
Asa ca ne-am mutat cateva sute de metri mai incolo, sub un migdal.
Tot pe plaja.
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