One of the nicest things traveling generates is presence, the fact that keeps you very present. At least it does that to me.
When I woke up in the morning I didn’t recognize anything around me. I couldn’t have, it was the first and last time we stopped at this inn near Itabela.
The next stop is only 100 kilometers away and it’s said to be very beautiful. I can’t plan anything for the road, we leave when we leave and we arrive when we arrive.
We don’t know when we arrive so we don’t know what we will do and everything is decided on the spot.
We use an app (ioverlander) that tells us about camping spots around us and we usually take a tour and see each of them and decide in the end.
In the afternoon we arrived safely to our destination, Arraial d’Ajuda. We parked in the center and we took the pets for their pee walk.
Usually, the kids stay in the car although they don’t like that. We tell them that we stayed together and we talked for quite a while and now it’s parents time to get their minds back in order.
Our arguments don’t really matter so they remain in “keyring mode” and vociferate in the background as we walk away.
Although they can really get on our nerves, we decide to go back to them quickly.
We put on our fashion flip flops and went to see the center of the tiny and beautiful Arraial d’Ajuda.
Other than that, nothing, we’ve seen the whales!
Unul dintre cele mai misto lucruri pe care calatoria le genereaza este prezenta, faptul ca te face foarte prezent.
Cel putin mie asta mi se intampla.
Cand m-am trezit de dimineata, n-am recunoscut nimic imprejur.
Nici nu aveam cum, era prima si ultima data cand am poposit la hanul de langa Itabela.
Urmatoarea oprire este la doar 100 de kilometri distanta si cica-i misto. N-am ce sa gandesc despre drum si nici ce planuri sa- mi fac, plecam cand plecam si ajungem cand ajungem.
Cand ajungem nu stim unde asa ca nu stim nici ce vom face, totul se decide la fata locului si pe moment.
Folosim o aplicatie (ioverlander) care ne spune ce posibilitati de campare avem in jur si de obicei noi dam o tura acestor locuri in prima faza, dupa care ne decidem unde vom ramane.
Pe dupa amiaza am ajuns cu bine la destinatie, in Arraial d’Ajuda. Am parcat in centru si am dat tura de pipi cu animalele.
De obicei copiii raman in masina desi nu le convine. Noi le explicam ca am vorbit si am petrecut timp impreuna destul, acum este timpul parintilor de a-si aduna creierii.
Nu conteaza ce le spunem noi, ei continua cu stilul breloc de chei si vocifereaza neintrerupt pe fundalul tablului epic in care noi ne indepartam de masina.
Desi ne pot scoate din minti foarte usor, decidem sa ne intoarcem relativ repede la ei.
Ne-am pus papucii de ocazie si am plecat la pas marunt sa descoperim centrul vechi al micutului si cochetului Arraial d’Ajuda.
In rest, nimic, am vazut balenele!
Posted at 18:05h, 20 Augustsunteti formidabili ! asa rau imi pare ca ati renuntat la podcast…