Printesa Ana
Usa Fermecata
Text: Ana Voicu
Ilustratii: Aris Gabriel Voicu & Carla Maria Voicu
A fost odata ca niciodata o printesa pe nume Ana.
Once upon a time there lived a princess named Ana.
In casa ei erau foarte putine dulciuri intrucat Regele si Regina considerau ca zaharul este foarte nociv pentru sanatate.
There were very few candies in her house because the King and the Queen believed that the sugar was very bad for the health.
Intr-o zi, printesa Ana se juca in gradina palatului impreuna cu fratii ei Carla, Eliza si Aris cand au vazut o vrajitoare foarte urâta.
One day, princess Ana was playing with her siblings Carla, Eliza and Aris in the garden of the castle when they suddenly saw a very ugly witch.
Vrajitoarea a intrebat:
The witch asked:
– Ce doriti?
“What do you want?”
Printesa Ana a raspuns:
Princess Ana answered:
– Vrem o usa misterioasa iar cand intram in ea sa aparem in Lumea Dulciurilor.
“We want a magic door and through it to enter the Candy World.”
– OK!
– OK!
Si asa s-a si intamplat, vrajitoarea le-a dat usa misterioasa dar le-a zis:
And this is what happened, the witch gave the children the magic door but she told them:
– Daca vreti ca aceasta usa sa va apartina, trebuie sa imi aduceti broasca magica din Palatul Celor Trei Regi.
“If you want this door to be yours, you have to bring me the magic frog from the Palace of the Three Kings.”
– Nu, nu iti vom aduce broasca magica pentru ca nu ne place sa furam dar lasa-ne te rugam sa intram pe Taramul Dulciurilor si daca ne place la intoarcere vom veni si cu o solutie! a zis Carla facand cu ochiul celorlalti frati.
– No, we will not bring you the magic frog because we don’t like to steal, but please let us go to the Candy World and if we like it there we will come back with a solution!” said Carla blinking to her siblings.
Vrajitoarea a fost de acord iar copiii au intrat repede pe usa.
The witch agreed and the children entered quickly through the door.
Ca prin minune s-au trezit in lumea dulciurilor pe care au numit-o: Dulciurilandya.
Like magic they were transported in the Candy World which they named: Candylandya.
Dulciurilandya era un taram nemaintalnit.
Candylandya was an unseen land.
Copacii erau din vata de zahar, marea era gelatina de capsuni iar nisipul era lapte praf.
The trees were cotton candy, the ocean was strawberry jelly and the sand was milk powder.
Erau si perne din marshmallows pe care sa stai comod.
There were even some marshmallow pillows to sit and relax.
Zapada era inghetata de cocos.
The snow was coconut ice cream.
Era prea frumos, era visul oricarei printese indragostita de dulciuri.
It was too beautiful to be true, it was every candy-lover princess’s dream.
Au mâncat destul de mult din ele si au adormit cu capul pe pernele de marshmallows.
They ate pretty much and they fell asleep with their heads on the marshmallows pillows.
Cand s-au trezit, copiii au gasit niste rachete infipte in nisipul de lapte praf si au plecat cu ele in spatiu.
When they woke up, the children found some rockets stuck in the milk powder sand and they flew in the space.
Stelele erau jeleuri, luna era ciocolata alba iar soarele era guma de portocala.
The stars were jellies, the moon was white chocolate and the sun was orange bubble gum.
Cand au ajuns pe luna, au mancat ciocolata alba si apoi au zburat catre soare.
Au mancat guma de portocala pana li s-a facut rau si au ajuns impreuna la concluzia ca lacomia si zaharul chiar nu sunt bune pentru sanatate.
When they got to the moon they ate white chocolate and then flew farther til the sun.
They chewed orange bubble gum until they got sick and they came to the conclusion that greed and sugar are really bad for the health.
Au plecat din nou pe pamant pentru a se reintalni cu vrajitoarea.
They returned to planet Earth to meet the witch again.
Cand au ajuns, vrajitoarea ii astepta acolo cu bagheta magica in mâna si le-a zis:
When they arrived, the witch was waiting for them with the magic wand in her hand and she told them:
– Smecherilor, ati vrut sa ma pacaliti, daca nu imi aduceti broasca magica va voi transforma in gandaci.
– You little boppers, you wanted to trick me, if you don’t bring me the magic frog I’m gonna turn you into bugs.”
– Dar de ce este broasca magica asa de importanta pentru tine?
Au intrebat cu totii in
acelasi timp.
– But why is the magic frog so important to you?” the children asked in the same time.
– Pentru ca vreau sa fac o potiune magica care ma va face tanara si frumoasa din nou.
– Because I want to make a magic potion that would make me young and beautiful again.
– Am eu un praf magic care te va face tanara si frumoasa din nou dar te rog, nu ne transforma in gandaci. Zise Aris, zambind si gandindu-se la potiunea primita de ziua lui in dar, de la prietenul cel mai bun, Harry Potter.
– I have a magic powder which will turn you into a young and beautiful woman but please, don’t turn us into bugs.” said Aris, smiling and thinking about the magic powder that he received for his birthday from his best friend, Harry Potter.
– OK, Multumesc.
– OK, thank you.
Vrajitoarea a plecat fericita.
The witch left happy.
Pentru ca sa ii bucure pe Rege si pe Regina, copiii au facut multe schimbari in Dulciurilandya.
The kids wanted to make the King and Queen happy so they made a lot of changes in Candylandya.
Au inlocuit zaharul alb cu zahar de cocos sau miere de albina spre bucuria parintilor.
They replaced the white sugar with coconut sugar or honey to the joy of their parents.
Asa au ramas cu usa misterioasa fericiti pana la adanci batranete.
In this way they remained with the magic door happily ever after.
An de an, in fiecare zi de Craciun usa a fost deschisa pentru toti copiii de pe Pamant.
Every year, on Christmas day the door is open for all the children in the world.
The End
Marius Georgescu
Posted at 08:02h, 03 JanuaryO picatura de creativitate intr-un ocean de sabloane… Bravo