

World as we knew it won’t probably return to its previous state. 

We will probably have health passports like pets and the face mask will become a clothing item. 

For a tuxedo you will match your mask with your bowtie. 

From the side effects of wearing masks, I foresee a rising in the number of burglaries. Not even the most sophisticated apps of face recognition won’t handle the Zorro phenomenon and surveillance cameras will become a little futile. 

But let’s look at the bright side and think of all the time each of us gained because of Covid. 

From the statistics, I see that most of this time is spent on Netflix and the rest, if any, reading. 

Speaking of reading, I just finished Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari, which I loved it, I recommend it to everybody interested in our evolution as a species. 

This guy studied the human race from monkeys to Elon Musk and came to the conclusion that what sets us apart from monkeys are two main things: imagination and gossip.

Another characteristic of our species is that we murdered our own kind as no other species was ever capable. 

Was it imagination and gossip also that helped reach this record? Could be! 

Could there become available online gossip courses? Would you sign up? 

Do you think they will invent a body size condom to wear from neck down? 

Will they become mandatory in clubs? 

Before you could get HIV only if you got laid, now you can get something even from kissing. The times we live in…

Other than that, nothing, all’s good…


Lumea cum o stim noi nu cred ca va mai reveni la forma initiala. 

Probabil vom avea pasapoarte de sanatate precum animalele de companie si masca va deveni un accesoriu de vestimentatie. 

La frac va trebui sa-ti asortezi masca cu papionul. 

Din efectele secundare ale mastilor obligatorii prevad o crestere de asalturi si spargeri. Nici cele mai sofisticate aplicatii de recunoastere faciala nu vor face fata fenomenului Zorro iar camerele de supraveghere vor deveni un pic inutile. 

Dar sa privim partea buna a lucrurilor si sa observam timpul pe care fiecare l-a castigat datorita Covid-ului. 

Din statistici observ ca majoritatea il consuma pe Netflix si ce ramane, daca ramane, pe lectura. 

Apropo de lectura, tocmai mi-a trecut prin mana Sapiens de Yuval Noah Harari, pe care am devorat-o de placere, o recomand cu drag tuturor celor care au curiozitati vis-a-vis de evolutia noastra ca si specie. 

Nenea asta a cercetat rasa umana de la maimute pana la Elon Musk si a ajuns la concluzia ca ceea ce ne deosebeste pe noi de maimute sunt doar doua lucruri: imaginatia si barfa. 

O alta caracteristica rezervata numai speciei noastre este faptul ca noi ne-am omorat intre noi cum nicio alta specie nu a fost in stare. 

Oare tot datorita imaginatiei si barfei sa fi reusit acest record? Posibil!

Oare vor aparea cursuri online de barfit profesionist? Te-ai baga? 

Credeti ca se vor inventa prezervative vestimentare cu care sa te imbraci de la gat in jos? 

Oare vor devenii obligatorii in discoteci? 

Inainte luai HIV doar daca ti-o puneai, acum ti-o iei numai daca te pupi! Ce vremuri…

In rest nimic, toate bune…

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