Say Out Loud or coming into the light of who you are.
Today I will be short and bitter. In the bottom of every page of our blog, I had this statement:
I’m sorry, I could not keep my promise and I chose to take out the contact. I don’t think that my mind is ripen enough to handle all this virtual connections and their energies.
I like to write, to express my thoughts, to be the vessel through which consciousness comes in-touch with the material world.
I’m not enlightened, I don’t pretend that I’m expressing the truth, I have nothing to sell and I don’t want to convince anybody of anything.
Writing is for me more like a painting where the colors are in a constant move, a constant color transformation, a process and my little daily pills of text are not more than flashes into nothingness.
If someone who is reading me contacts me personally to show his disagreement and pray to God for what he considers that is best for my kids, I will not reply. Why?
- It is enough for me the energy of my parents who wish the best for me and my kids and think they know what that “best” is better than me
- There is nothing to argue in a painting.
Astazi o sa fiu scurt si acru. In subsolul orcarei pagini a blogului nostru, promiteam ca o sa raspund orcarui mail. Imi cer scuze, nu m-am putut tine de cuvant, am scos si contactul pana voi gasi o varianta ce va exprima realitatea cat mai corect.
Nu cred ca mintea mea este indeajuns de coapta pentru a face fata atator legaturi, chiar si virtuale.
Imi place sa scriu, sa-mi exprim gandurile, sa devin in scris un vas prin care constiinta se materializeaza in prezent.
Nu sunt iluminat, nu pretind ca exprim adevarul nu am nimic de vandut nu vreau sa conving pe nimeni de nimic.
Scrisul inseamna pentru mine un tablou, o pictura in care culorile se misca si se transforma neincetat, un proces, iar micile mele pastilute zilnice, nu sunt altceva decat flash-uri in nimic.
Daca vreun cititor sau cititoare imi scrie pentru a-si arata dezacordul si se roaga la Dumnezeu pentru binele pe care el il crede pentru copiii mei, nu voi raspunde.
Imi sunt suficiente energiile parintilor in a-mi dori binele pe care ei il considera pentru mine.
Nu ma pot contrazice pe o pictura.
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