

Social structure is based on ignorance and consume. 

School is a tool of the social mechanism, with the purpose of getting qualified and the method is competition. 

Through competition, you learn to win and it’s said that you’d better learn how to lose, too. 

I say that learning to win and to lose is a fucking nonsense. 

To educate a child means teaching him to be a human being. 

To know himself, to discover himself and to understand himself. 

To understand the world he lives in and find his place in this world. 

You won’t obtain this by competition or by feeding him notions. 

Education should have as a purpose – the being.

To teach you how to be, not how to become.

To teach you that you are part of a complex system and that you matter as much as the one beside you. 

To teach you that you have emotions and that everybody has them, also. 

To teach you what love is and how to be good.

To teach you about contentment and how to be happy. 

I feel that our society lacks love. As if nobody was loved when he was little. It’s ok then to send them to school and ask them for good grades. The grades are more for the parents. 

We send the kids to school because we don’t know how to love them. 

We send them to school because we do ‘t know how to just be. 

We send the kids to a school because we don’t know how to stay together. 

Today we went to the beach.


Structura sociala este bazata pe ignoranta si consum.

Scoala este o unealta a mecanismului social cu scop de calificare avand ca si metoda, competitia. 

Prin competitie inveti sa castigi si se spune ca e bine sa inveti si sa pierzi. 

Eu spun ca e o tampenie sa inveti asa ceva, e o tampenie sa inveti si sa castigi si sa pierzi. 

A educa un copil ar trebui in primul rand sa-l educi sa fie om. 

Sa se cunoasca, sa se descopere si sa se inteleaga. 

Sa inteleaga lumea in care a venit si cum functioneaza si sa-l ajuti sa-si gaseasca un loc in ea. 

Nu se face asta nici prin competitie si nici prin a-l imbiba de cunostinte. 

Educatia ar trebui sa aiba ca si scop omenia. 

Sa te invete sa fii nu sa devii. 

Sa te invete ca faci parte dintr-un sistem complex si tu contezi la fel de mult cum conteaza si celalalt. 

Sa te invete ce sunt emotiile si ca emotii au toti. 

Sa te invete ce-i iubirea si cum sa fi bun.

Sa te invete implinirea si cum sa fi fericit. 

Am impresia ca societatea noastra duce lipsa de iubire. Parca nimeni nu a fost iubit cand a fost mic. Atunci e normal ca-i trimitem la scoala in continuare si le cerem note bune. Numai adultii au nevoie de ele de fapt. 

Trimitem copiii la scoala pt. ca nu stim sa-i iubim. 

Trimitem copiii la scoala pentru ca nu stim nici noi sa fim. 

Trimitem copiii la scoala pentru ca nu stim sa fim impreuna. 

Noi astazi am fost pe plaja! 

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