

Surfers are like motorcyclists, cool! 

These groups of people have a lot in common, solidarity, team spirit, they emanate freedom and are rebellious. 

Carla doesn’t know how to duck dive and after she fought with the waves for a quarter of an hour, a surfer came ashore and towed her. 

Aris is more advanced, he gets under the wave but he stays at sea for an eternity until he catches a wave. 

If a colleague didn’t go to give him a push, he would stay at sea all day without catching any wave. 

Lavinia took some pictures of the surfers who helped the kids to give them as a token of gratitude.

Towards the evening we took a tour of the neighborhood to find a house for rent. 

We decided to stay close to the beach until the quarantine passes. 

In Brazil, the number of coronavirus cases is increasing and many roads are blocked. 

We like adventure but traveling in these conditions makes no sense.

We returned home with phone numbers and several options. 

I’ll keep you updated!

Otherwise, nothing, all’s good…


Surferii sunt precum motociclistii, misto! 

Grupurile astea de oameni au multe lucruri in comun,  solidaritate, spirit de echipa, emana libertate si sunt rebeli. 

Carla nu stie sa se bage cu placa de surf pe sub val si dupa  ce s-a luptat cu valurile un sfert de ora, a venit un surfer la mal si a remorcat-o. 

Aris e mai avansat, se baga pe sub val dar sta in larg o eternitate pana sa prinda unul. 

Daca n-ar veni un coleg de breasla sa-i dea un vant cand trebuie, cred ca ar sta toata ziua in larg fara sa urce pe val. 

Lavinia a facut cateva poze cu surferii ce-i ajuta pe copii cu scopul sa le daruiasca in semn de recunostinta. 

Spre seara am dat o tura prin cartier ca sa gasim o casa de inchiriat. 

Ne-am decis sa ramanem aproape de plaja pana trece carantina. 

In Brazilia numarul cazurilor de coronavirul creste si sunt multe drumuri blocate. 

Ne place aventura dar sa calatorim in aceste conditii nu are nici un sens. 

Ne-am intors acasa cu numere de telefon si cu mai multe optiuni. 

Va tin la curent!

In rest, nimic, toate bune…

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