If robots and artificial intelligence will make our future easier, and the peasant will schedule sowing and harvesting on the iphone, there are only two options left between crops: to drink or to paint.
My grandfather was a Ph.D. Professor in Physics and Chemistry. He had a vineyard. 3 hectares. This was his passion: vineyard, physics and chemistry!
He didn’t drink, I didn’t see him dizzy in my life. A very clear mind, a man with feet on the ground.
After he died, I told my dad he will never see me in my grandfather’s vineyard anymore. I pleased my grandfather taking part in the famous harvesting from September, but after his death I escaped the job.
Dad said he was doing it. He took care and let me have the wine to sell it in Bucharest.
I sold half of it, and the other half I drank it with my friends.
After two decades I still remember his look, just as Tyson looked at Holyfield: “Boy, I don’t realize if you have something with me or with yourself …”
My grandfather had a Renault 10. After he died, we sold the car and bought a trailer to bring the wine to Bucharest. After I sold his vineyard, I also sold the trailer. How so?! We didn’t have anything to do with it!
And that’s how my grandfather’s passion died with him!
I thank my grandfather in this way for sending me a complete course about passions.
He often said: “Boy, you have to make a passion from yourself! Passion is the mirror of the soul. Passion is a routine you most like. A passion gives you peace and helps you express yourself.
I have many passions, but the greatest of them is the passion for life….and the family is my life!
We are in Brazil, as you know.
Do we do surfing or violin?!
I had the first violin lesson today.
The right moment I entered the house my father called:
“Where have you been?! I’ve been looking for you (knows that I’m disconnecting from the net when I leave home)
I just came back from the violin!
(to be continued…)
Daca robotii si inteligenta artificiala ne vor inlesni viitorul iar taranul isi va programa aratul si samantarea de pe iphone, intre recolte nu-i raman decat doua optiuni: sa bea sau sa picteze.
Tataie a fost profesor Doctor in Fizica si Chimie. A avut si o vie. 3 Hectare. Asta a fost pasiunea lui :via, fizica si chimia! Nu bea, nu l-am vazut nici macar ametit in viata mea. Un om foarte clar si cu picioarele pe pamant.
Dupa ce-a murit, l-am anuntat pe tata ca nu ma mai prinde prin vie. Ii facusem o placere lui tataie participand la celebrul cules din septembrie dar dupa moartea lui mi-am tras o scutire.
Tata a zis ca se ocupa el. S-a ocupat si mi-a lasat mie vinul sa-l vand in Bucuresti.
Asa ca jumatate l-am vandut iar cealalta jumatate l-am baut cu prietenii.
Dupa doua decenii inca pastrez in memorie privirirea lui, cam asa cum se uita Tyson la Hollyfield: “Baiete, eu nu-mi dau seama daca tu ai ceva cu mine sau cu tine…..”
Tataie avea si un Renault 10. Dupa ce a murit, am vandut masina si am cumparat o remorca sa caram vinul la Bucuresti. Dupa ce-am vandut via, am vandut si remorca, pai cum de ce?! Nu mai aveam ce sa caram cu ea!
Si uite asa s-a dus si pasiunea lui tataie, odata cu el!
Ii multumesc bunicului meu pe aceasta cale ca mi-a transmis un curs complet despre pasiuni.
Imi zicea adesea :
- “Baiete, tu trebuie sa faci o pasiune din tine insuti! Pasiunea este oglinda sufletului. Pasiunea este o rutina pe care ti-o doresti. O pasiune iti da liniste si te ajuta sa te exprimi.”
Eu am mai multe pasiuni dar cea mai mare dintre ele este pasiunea pentru viata, iar familia este viata mea!
Suntem in Brazilia, cum bine stiti! Bagam si noi un surfing, o vioara?!
Am avut astazi prima lectie. De vioara. Cum intru in casa, tzar telefonul. Tata!
- Unde-ai fost ca te-am cautat (stie ca ma deconectez de la net cand plec de acasa)
Uite, m-am intors de la vioara!
(va urma…)
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