20 Mar ALDEIA – 19 MARCH 2020 – THE HAWK
The house we live in is a house that is alive, with only natural materials used to build it.
It is built on a hill in the Atlantic jungle, has an octagonal shape, with angles and dimensions taken from the sacred geometry.
The floor is a wooden platform sustained by eight strong wooden pillars and between them, horizontally, wooden trunks perfectly cut at a 90-degree angle.
The trucks are arranged with the cut side on the inside up to the windows and the spaces between them have been filled with clay and straws.
The house is finished with a paste made of clay, fine sand, lime, and water.
The roof is self-sustainable, made of long beams leaning one on the other in perfect equilibrium, creating a hole in the center through where the light comes in, like a window to the sky.
The entrance is at the soil level and on the opposite side you can touch the trees.
When you come in, on the right, there is the kitchen, in front, the living room where there is a clay couch on the right.
The back of the couch is like a winding wall, high up to the ceiling.
On the other side of this wall, there is a small round sink with a small simple mirror, recessed into the wall.
Here, there also is a small, stylish and inspiring office. On the right, there is the bedroom, of a square shape, like an annex to the octagonal house.
Under it, there is the laundry room.
Yesterday Lavinia went to the laundry room. She made a short and loud sound.
I thought she slipped or stung herself.
I went in a hurry to save the sleeping beauty.
When, what do you think?
A beautiful hawk was eating one of our hens.
With his big round eyes, he was looking without any fear at both of us.
Lavinia took a box as a shield and, armed with a towel, she started the attack.
She grabs the hen and pulls.
The hawk opens its wings and tries to fly away with the hen.
Lavinia tells it very nicely that, while she understands his predator nature, the hen stays with us.
In the end, the hawk understood this and returned to the sky.
Lavinia cooked soup and the hawk flew over the house until dark.
I watched it through the roof window with pleasure, lying on the stone couch.
Lavinia, Aris, and Ana ate the soup, me and Carla had an apple, cashews and bread and butter.
Vegetarians can hold their appetite, otherwise go for an apple, cashews, bread and butter.
Casa in care locuim de cateva luni este o casa vie in care s-au folosit numai materiale naturale. Este construita pe un deal in jungla Atlantica, si are forma octogonala cu unghiuri si dimensiuni extrase din geometria sacra.
Baza este o platforma de lemn sustinuta de opt stalpi vanjosi de lemn, intre care s-au asezat orizontal butuci perfect taiati la un unghi de 90 de grade.
Trunchiurile rastelate cu sectiunea la vedere formeaza peretii pana la nivelul geamurilor iar golurile dintre ele au fost astupate cu lut si paie.
Casa este finisata cu o pasta inchegata din lut, nisip fin, var si apa.
Acoperisul este unul care se autosustine, format din barne lungi sprijinite una pe alta intr-un echilibru perfect, formand un luminator in centru, gen fereastra catre cer.
Intrarea este la nivelul pamantului dar in partea opusa de pe geam poti mangaia copacii in crestet. In dreapta cum intri se intinde bucataria, in fata este livingul iar in dreapta se lafaie o canapea constrita din lut.
Speteaza canapelei se intinde pana sus in tavan, formand un perete serpuit.
In spatele lui este o chiuveta rotunda cu o oglinda simpla si mica, incastrata in perete.
Aici este si biroul, mic, cochet si plin de inspiratie.
Tot in dreapta se deschide dormitorul de forma patrata, ca o anexa la casa octogonala.
Sub casa avem spalatoria.
Ieri, Lavinia s-a dus sa puna sau sa scoata ceva de la spalat.
A tipat scurt si puternic.
Am crezut ca a alunecat si s-a-ntepat.
Am sarit intr-o clipa sa o salvez pe frumoasa din padurea adormita.
Cand colo, ce crezi?!
Un soim frumos ne manca o gaina. Cu ochii mari si rotunzi se uita fara frica la amandoi.
Lavinia a insfacat o cutie de plastic drept scut si inarmata cu un prosop a plecat la atac.
Apuca gaina si trage. Soimul deschide aripile si se infoaie si da sa plece cu gaina in gheare. Lavinia i-a spus frumos ca nu se supara ca e soim si-i intelege natura de rapitor dar gaina ramane aici.
Pana la urma soimul a inteles si s-a intors in vazduh.
Lavinia a facut o supa cu galusti iar soimul a dat tarcoale pana la asfintit.
L-am urmarit prin luminator cu placere, intins pe canapeaua de lut.
Aris cu Lavinia si Ana au mancat supa cu galusti iar eu si cu Carla am mancat cate un mar, alune de caju si paine cu unt.
Vegetarienii sa-si puna pofta-n cui, daca au pofta, daca nu, sa manance mere cu alune de caju si paine cu unt.
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