On Sunday we left our friends, Siegels. After only 200 kilometers we stopped. We don’t know where, at a gas station on the highway linking Sao Paulo to Curitiba.
We slept badly, the lorries roared all night, and the hasty tires torn the wet asphalt noisily. We woke up at 5:45 and after a long coffee, at 9am we raised the anchor.
You’ll wonder what We’ve done for 3 hours in the parking lot. We looked for Becka who went hunting in the jungle behind the parking lot, that’s what we did!
We didn’t go to Sao Paulo to see those superb architectures, signed by the most beloved of Brazilian architects, Oscar Niemeyer. We chose to bypass major cities and enjoy more of nature.
No, we’ll not miss Rio!
We didn’t drive much on Monday, after 250 kilometers we stopped.
This time we missed the gas stations and we were hampered by a corner of paradise. The Siegels told us that Brazil is all a paradise, and as you go up north, the more you want to stop and stay for the rest of your life.
We are not in the season so the resorts are empty. We laid our table right in the Family park in front of Toque Toque Beach. In 20 kilometers there are 40 paradisiacal beaches, all deserted at the moment.
We are going to stay here one more day, why such a hurry? We have Internet from a restaurant nearby, the water from a store and the power, we hope to borrow a few wats from the church!
Duminica am plecat tarziu de la prietenii nostri, Siegelsii. Dupa numai 200 de kilometri am oprit. Nu stim unde, la o benzinarie de pe autostrada ce leaga Sao Paulo de Curitiba. Am dormit prost, camioanele au roarait toata noaptea iar anvelopele grabite sfasiau zgomotos asfaltul ud.
Ne-am trezit la 05:45 si dupa o cafea prelungita, pe la 9 am ridicat ancora. O sa va intrebati ce-am mai facut 3 ore in parcare. Am cautat-o be Becka care a plecat la vanatoare in jungla din spatele parcarii, asta am facut.
N-am intrat in Sao Paulo desi se lauda cu niste arhitecturi superbe, semnate de catre cel mai iubit dintre arhitectii Braziliei, Oscar Niemeyer. Am ales sa ocoloim marile orase si sa ne delectam mai mult cu natura.
Nu, nu o sa sarim si Rio!
Luni nu am condus mult, dupa 250 de kilometri ne-am oprit. De data asta am ratat benzinariile si ne-am impiedicat de un colt de paradis. Ne-au spus noua Siegelii ca Brazilia este toata un paradis si cu cat urci spre nord, cu atat o sa vrei sa te opresti si sa ramai tot restul vietii.
Nu suntem in sezon asa ca statiunile sunt pustii. Ne-am intins masa pe jos, in parcul Familiei din fata plajii Toque Toque. In 20 de kilometri sunt 40 de plaji paradisiace, toate pustii in momentul de fata.
O sa mai ramanem inca o zi aici, unde ne grabim? Internet avem de la un restaurant, apa de la un magazin iar curent, speram sa imprumutam cativa wati de la biserica din piata.
Hai, va pup, cu D-zeu inainte!
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