

My Dad says I wasn’t beaten enough when I was little, that’s why I am a rebel and I am not obedient. It’s not his fault, that’s how he thinks because in the earlier days children were considered more as a work force that an extension of your soul. I come from a culture where beating was considered a piece of heaven. What should I understand, that there are K1 fightings up there?

My Mom told me that I screamed before the doctor kicked my bottom at birth. I was born with an aversion to violence and cold.

In Portugal I used to be a lot calmer than in Romania. The warmth of the people and of the sun had a Xanax effect. Now that I am in Brazil I realize that if people were as agitated as in Romania they would catch fire.


The word “tranquilo” is found in almost any phrase. I haven’t been in Rio where the violence is said to exceed the frequency of the word tranquilo.

Cultures relax bit by bit together with the people inside them. Culture is an ongoing art masterpiece. And like any art, should set you free.

Statistics say that in the next 10 years 45% of the current jobs will be extinct.

It’s clear!

What are people doing? They keep sending their children to schools that clear any creative insight.

Listen and obey.

Listen to your parents, to your teachers, listen, listen, listen.

I don’t think we were born to listen, but rather to be heard. Kids say things that adult consider funny. What do they know, they are little!

Right, children didn’t know much, but they sense. They can feel what adults can feel no more. They were taught, modeled, polished.

They know what they need to do and they keep passing on a blockage, a soul trauma. They pass on stupidities as “because that’s how it must be done” without any further explanation. Adults can’t give a good explanation for why “you must”.

I have a question for adults:

Are you feeling comfortable inside?

With a World Cup rolling, a beer and a large screen, probably yes!

And when your favorite team loses, how do you feel?



Tata spune ca n-am fost batut suficient cand am fost mic, de aceea sunt rebel si nu ascult. Nu e vina lui, asa gandeste el, pentru ca inainte copiii erau considerati mai mult forta de munca decat o extensie a sufletului tau.

Vin dintr-o cultura in care se spune ca “bataia este rupta din rai”.

Ce sa inteleg, ca in paradis se organizeaza lupte de K1?!

Mama-mi povesteste ca la nastere am tipat inainte sa ma pocneasca doctorul la fundulet. Am avut o aversiune innascuta impotriva violentei si a frigului. Da, de aia am tipat inaintea loviturii, de frig.

In Portugalia eram mult mai calm decat in Romania. Caldura soarelui si a oamenilor are efect de Xanax.

Acum ca sunt in Brazilia, imi dau seama ca daca ar fi oamenii atat de agitati precum in Romania, cred ca ar lua foc. La propriu ar face combustie spontana.

Cuvantul “tranquilo” insoteste si mangaie orice fraza pronuntata. N-am fost inca in Rio unde se spune ca violentele depasesc frecventa aceluiasi cuvant, “tranquilo”.

Culturile se relaxeaza usor, usor, odata cu oamenii ce-o genereaza. Cultura este ceva foarte misto, o opera de arta in desfasurare.

Statisticle spun ca in urmatorii 10 ani, 45% dintre job-urile de acum nu vor mai exista. E clar! Ce face lumea? In continuare isi trimite copiii la scoala ce omogenizeaza orice insight creativ. Asculta si supune-te.

Asculta de parinti, asculta de profesori, asculta, asculta, asculta.

Nu cred ca ne-am nascut pentru a asculta ci dimpotriva, pentru a fi auziti. Copiii spun lucruri pe care adultii le considera traznite. Ce stiu ei, sunt inca mici!

Corect, nu stiu multe copiii, dar simt. Simt ceea ce adultii nu mai pot simti. Au fost invatati, modelati, slefuiti in conformitate.

Stiu ce au de facut si predau mai departe  un blocaj si o trauma a sufletului. Predau mai departe imbecilitati de genul “pentru ca asa trebuie” fara vreo explicatie. Adultii nu pot explica concret si in esenta de ce trebuie.

Am o intrebare pentru adulti:

Va simteti bine in interiorul Dumneavoastra?

Cu un campionat Mondial de fotbal in desfasurare, o bere si un ecran mare, probabil ca da!

Si cand echipa favorita pierde, ce simtiti?

De ce?

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