Travel with kids
We started packing. You couldn’t imagine how much can fit in such a small car. So everything must fit perfectly, like the Incas work of twelve corner stone.
As we are in no hurry, we take the time to make every packing at its natural pace. No trace of the struggle and stress of my childhood’s packing and leaving somewhere.
I remember when we were little my parents used to wake up at 4 in the morning to go to the seaside and avoid the “line”.
It felt like I was leaving for good or fleeing a danger! I remember once, just as we left Bucharest, we had a flat tire.
Wow, was my father mad! My mom tried to calm us and make us stay put in the car lest we should make him even angrier, that we shouldn’t move because the car was lifted on a jack.
Do you know what it means to be conceptually blocked? That means to live a reality you don’t understand. I was like this since back then, like “why the… can’t we get off the car and why do we have to panic like this over a flat tire?!”
Anyways… we are just the opposite. Our leaving takes… as long as it takes.
So we pack, we talk, laugh, stay, drink some coconut water, kids play.
An interesting fact is that we stay longer where we are alone.
Because many times when we were invited over somebody’s place, out of respect for the schedule of those people, we left lest we should disturb them further. You leave because you realize you turn their live too much around.
So we choose to be just us a lot, that much we like what we are doing! That is privacy for us, being together.
Before, when it was a bad weather outside we stayed inside and still got lost from one another for hours, days… and this while being in the same house!
Now when it rains we stay in the front with the kids in our laps, watching the live movie outside through the rain drops on the windscreen.
When there was a sandstorm and Lavinia came joyfully from the beach with the kids covered in sand, they didn’t have time for a shower so we squeezed in front like in the front row at Cirque de Soleil and we pretended to be in the cockpit of a plane and we fly with a speed of light. We had a flashlight that we used for special effects and we reenacted a scene from “Star Wars”.
For us having fun is a priority, which is yours? 🙂
Am inceput sa impachetam. Nu-ti poti imagina cate lucruri pot intra intr-o masina atat de mica. Asa ca trebuie sa compartimentam totul foarte bine, fara goluri de aer, sa fie o lucrare perfecta a la pietrii Inca cu 12 colturi ! Cum nu ne grabim, ne luam timpul necesar fiecarei operatiuni in parte. Fara nervi ca in copilaria mea cand se pleca undeva era cel mai mare stres posibil.
Imi amintesc din copilarie cand ne trezeam pe la vreo 4 dimineata sa plecam la mare sa nu prindem “coloana”!
Eu ma simteam de parca fugeam de acasa sau de vreun pericol grav! Imi amintesc o data cand cand exact la iesirea din Bucuresti, a facut tata pana de cauciuc!
Mama, cat s-a enervat! Mama incerca sa ne linisteasca sa stam cuminti in masina, sa nu cumva sa-l mai enervam pe tati, sa stam nemiscati ca o sa schimbe roata si ca masina e pe cric si etc.
Stiti ce inseamna sa fii blocat conceptual? Adica sa te uiti la realitate si sa nu o intelegi!
Ei, asa eram eu inca de pe vremea aceea, de ce c**t nu ne dam jos si de ce ne panicam atat la o pana, suntem nebuni, ce avem?!
In fine, la noi e opusul! Fac misto de tata si la noi plecarea dureaza cat e sa dureze… fara numar! 🙂
Asa ca impachetam, vorbim, radem, stam, bem un Chimarao, o apa de cocos, copiii se joaca!
Ceva interesant ce ni se intampla este ca daca suntem singuri, stam mai mult intr-un loc unde ne place.
Pentru ca de multe ori s-a intamplat sa fim invitati undeva si din respect pentru viata omului care are un program, continuarea sederii noastre mai mult de cateva zile ar fi perturbat prea mult. Se intampla fenomenul ala tampit de tu vrei sa pleci pentru ca realizezi ca omul este dat peste cap!
Asa ca alegem sa fim de multe ori singuri, atat de mult ne place sa facem ce vrem!
Asta inseamna la noi intimitate, sa fim impreuna.
Inainte, cand era urat afara si stateam in casa, ne pierdeam unii de altii, ore, zile…… asta se intampla cand eram acasa!
Acum, cand ploua, noi stam pe scaunele din fata cu copiii in brate, uitandu-ne la filmul ce-l vedem printre picaturile parbrizului despartit in doua. Cand a inceput furtuna de nisip seara si Lavinia a venit cu copiii chiuind de pe plaja plini de nisip, n-au avut timp de dus si s-au adapostit in masina, in fata, sa vada ca la Cirque de Soleil din primul rand sa le vezi si porii, ne imaginam ca suntem in cockpit-ul unui avion si zburam cu viteza luminii. Avem si o lanterna cu efect de stroboscop si am refacut o scena din “Razboiul Stelelor!”
La noi sa ne bucuram, este o prioritate, a ta, care este? 🙂
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