There are several battles going on inside us and one of them is: should I stay or should I go? Wandering…
Well, now with this medical dictatorship it’s a little hard to travel, but if you really put your mind to it, you will make it happen.
70000 years ago (more or less) our ancestors were hunters-gatherers.
They would probably get up in the morning, stretch, look at their partner and with a raised eyebrow and a cool smile, would ask:
“Wouldn’t you eat something?”
“Well, let’s go!”
And they would hold hands and go out to have breakfast.
Around 2020 years ago, when Jesus was just a little baby, the scenario was a little different because people had discovered farming, taming animals and living their lives in one place.
We could draw a conclusion that in the genetic inheritance we all have lies the great spirit of a nomad with thousand of walked miles.
The quarantine imposed by us, for our benefit, proves that our social order is a failure because in the end it restricts the freedom of the individual.
I spoke to my father the other day and he sounded a little sad. He told me how he couldn’t get out of the house except in a certain interval and only holding a declaration paper.
Respect, Sweden, for not mocking your citizens!
Other than that, nothing, we are at the beach, with no paper…
In noi, se dau mai multe lupte dar una dintre ele este intre a sta locului sau a-ti lua lumea in cap. Bine, acum de cand cu dictatura medicala e cam greu sa-ti mai iei lumea in cap dar nu conteaza, daca chiar vrei, se poate.
Acum vreo 70.000 de ani stramosii nostri erau vanatori culegatori. Probabil se trezeau dimineata, se intindeau, se uitau la partenera si cu sprancenele ridicate si un zambet misto, o intrebau:
– N-ai manca ceva?
– Ba da.
– Pai, hai sa mergem!
Si se luau de mana si plecau sa ia micul dejun in oras.
Acu vreo 2020 de ani, pe vremea cand Isus era inca bebelus, acelasi scenariu nu se mai desfasura la fel datorita faptului ca oamenii inventasera agricultura, au imblanzit animalele si au stat locului.
Putem trage concluzia ca in mostenirea genetica pe care fiecare dintre noi o poarta, zace un mare spirit de nomad cu multe zeci de mii de ani de drumetii in picioare.
Carantina impusa de noi, pentru binele nostru denota ca organizarea noastra sociala este un esec din moment ce ea ingradeste libertatea individului intr-un final.
Am vorbit cu tata zilele trecute la telefon si l-am simtit cam trist. Imi povestea cum nu poate iesi afara decat intre anumite ore si iesirea se face cu bilet.
Respect Suedia, pentru ca nu-ti bati joc de semenii tai.
In rest, nimic, o ardem pe plaja… fara bilet!
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