02 Aug PRADO – 31 JULY 2019 – WEDDING DAY
On July 31st, in Tulcea, we had our wedding. It was a wedding with everything a Romanian can have: band, thieves, fights, blood, police, ambulance and declarations. Some might say we got off on the wrong foot, we liked to believe it was a stronger right foot.
After exactly 15 years, we are with 3 kids, 2 dogs and a cat in Brazil, wandering.
I would have never thought that our lives, at that point, were embarking a rollercoaster. We have not yet hit the finish.
We educate through love, travel and time spent together, we educate to be rather than to become, we educate to be human and to love.
Lavinia cooked today a fish moqueca and I bought her a wine.
We walked on the beach together, except for Becka. She stayed in the car, sleeping among the teddies.
We came back each with a coconut found on the beach and drank them straight away when we arrived. We ate at candlelight, at an open-air bar, on the banks of a rivet. We kept our eyes closed to hear the jungle, to copy and count its sounds.
The owner, Mr. Pedro, a Portuguese over 60 with some Italian roots left us the keys to his little restaurant, so we felt like home, with bathroom, shower and espresso machine.
When we left Zimbros, Lavinia asked Mr. Joell, from whom we rented the apartment how are the people up North, if they are dangerous.
He smiled and said: “Good people meet good people.”
Another friend of ours, Pedro the bicyclist, says that “people are the most beautiful scenery.”
What I meant to say is that we spent our Day in paradise.
Thank you!
31 Iulie 2004, la Tulcea, mi s-a intamplat nunta. Nunta a fost cum ii place romanului, cu de toate: cu lautari, hoti, batai, sange, mascati, Salvare, Politie si declaratii!
Am inceput cu stangul ar zice unii, noi am zis ca a fost dreptul dar mai apasat!
Dupa exact 15 ani, suntem cu trei copii doi caini si o pisica in Brazilia, pe coclauri.
Nu m-as fi gandit niciodata, vreodata, ca vietile noastre incepand cu acea data se vor urca intr-un Montagne-Russe.
Nu am ajuns inca la sosire!
Educam prin iubire, calatorie si timp petrecut impreuna, educam sa fim in loc sa devenim, educam sa fim oameni, educam sa iubim.
Lavinia a gatit astazi un Moqueca de peste cu creveti, eu i-am cumparat un vin.
Ne-am plimbat pe plaja cu totii, mai putin Becka. A ramas in masina dormind tolanita intre plusuri. Ne-am intors fiecare cu cate un cocos gasit pe plaja, pe care l-am baut imediat cum am ajuns.
Am mancat la lumina lumanarilor, la o terasa, pe faleza unui rau. Am stat cu ochii inchisi sa ascultam jungla, sa-i copiem si sa-i numaram sunetele.
Patronul terasei, Sr. Pedro, un portughez trecut de 60 de ani, cu ceva radacini italiene, ne-a lasat cheile de la micutul sau restaurant asa ca ne-am simtit ca acasa, cu baie, dus si masina de esspreso.
Cand am plecat din Zimbros, Lavinia l-a intrebat pe Sr. Joell, cel de la care am inchiriat casa, cum sunt oamenii spre nord, daca sunt periculosi.
Mosuletul a zambit si i-a zis: “Oamenii buni intalnesc oameni buni”.
Un alt prieten de-al nostru, biciclistul Pancho, spunea ca “cele mai frumoase peisaje sunt oamenii.”
Ce vroiam eu sa spun de fapt este ca ne-am serbat ziua in paradis!
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