

In Prado there are only two companies that have trips for whale watching. For the boat to be able to make this trip there have to be at least 10 persons enrolled. 

On Saturday and Sunday the weather was ok, but not the minimum required. 

It’s been 10 days since we wait for the universe to take us to the whales’ way. Even my texts lately are full of whales and the word itself is unusually recurrent in the vocabulary of a Romanian, however, we are patiently waiting for the… whales. 

What did we do today? 

Nothing special, I made a potato sour soup and Aris spent his morning making pancakes. 

I notice the kids grew up, now we finish a pot of soup at one table. We have become very cooking efficient since camping, I think I told you before that we don’t throw away food since we stopped having a fridge. 

The second course was an okra stew that reminded me of my grandma. I didn’t make lots of it because the kids don’t like it very much, but to me, the taste puts me back in time in my grandmother’s kitchen. 

And I was standing in her kitchen, a whale crosses my mind. 

What, do we have the right weather and the minimum group tomorrow? 

I’ll go pack my swimming trunks, see you tomorrow with whales’ pictures. 


In Prado nu sunt decat doua companii ce fac excursii pentru a vedea balenele. Pentru ca o barca sa poata pleca din port, are nevoie ca grupul strans sa fie de cel putin zece persoane.

Sambata si Duminica timpul a fost frumos pentru a iesi dupa balene dar n-au fost persoane.

Au trecut aproape zece zile de cand asteptam universul sa se pozitioneze cum trebuie pentru a ne scoata calea balenelor in fata. Si textele mele din ultimele zile sunt pline de bale de balena si cuvantul balena are o frecventa neobisnuita in limbajul unui roman dar asta e, balenam cu rabdare in continuare.

Ce-am facut astazi? Nimic deosebit, eu am facut o ciorbica de cartofi iar Aris a stat toata dimineata sa faca clatite.

Observ cum au crescut copiii, acum reusim sa terminam o oala de ciorbica la o singura masa. Am devenit mai eficienti cu gatitul de cand facem camping ca si stil de viata, v-am spus ca nu mai aruncam mancare de cand nu mai avem frigider, nu?

Felul doi am facut o mancarica de bame ca sa-mi aminteasca de mamaie. N-am facut mult pentru ca copiii nu se prea omoara dar pe mine gustul acestei mancari ma teleporteaza in copilarie in bucataria bunicii.

Si cum stateam eu asa in bucataria lui mamaie, o balena imi trece prin minte. 

Ce, cica s-a confirmat si grupul si vremea si plecam maine dimineata?

Nu pot sa cred, fug sa-mi pregatesc costumul de baie, ne vedem maine cu poze si bale!

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1 Comment
  • Liana Eugenia
    Posted at 03:31h, 14 August Reply

    Se vor vedea ele si balenele….s-au vazut atat de multe lucruri…..a calatori ,inseamna educatie…

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