The will of Mr. Smith is contagious. When I first saw “ The Pursuit of Happiness” I understood it was not an option to pursue your dream. And what you choose in life is nothing but your dream. Because there it is, always inside you, like an interior tornado. You surf at the border of order and chaos.
So Mr. “Will” Smith continues to be an inspiration to me. I consider his vlog little flashes of Divine conscience. You can watch here!
He determined me to leave, to stop drinking, if he gets me to stop smoking he will start smelling like a saint to me.
I like him a lot, when he speaks it’s like having a dialogue with himself, like the relationship of Brad and Angelina in the good old times.
I was thinking of the transcendental energy an Afro-American person brings in this world. I believe that the Dons of the plantations and of millions of slaves were even more a slave in their Don condition.
The slaves had the chance to free themselves!
Inspiration has no fault in this. You have to assume your path.
I didn’t leave because of the education in my country, or the system, nor the financial crisis or because something bothered me.
I left because the sum of all these left me no choice than to leave to pursue my dream.
And my dream is to live free and educate free people.
Free from exterior authority.
Free from the conceptual borders of culture.
And the next level in education would be how to live without having to monetize your passion.
Honestly, I’m not there yet. At this moment I am at the stage where I should ask $2,000 for a course in which I would explain you that money is not important.
I don’t think this is the idea of the online existence… or I’m missing something!
Dorinta Domnului Smith este contagioasa. Cand am vazut pentru prima oara filmul “The Pursuit of Happyness” am inteles ca nu este o alegere in a-ti urmari visul.
Si ceea ce alegi tu alegi ca nu poti alege altceva. Acest altceva este chiar visul.
Si visul asta isi face aparitia in constientul tau ca o tornada pe interior. Surfezi la limita intre ordine si haos.
Asa ca Domnul “Will” Smith continua sa fie o inspiratie pentru mine. Consider ca vloggul lui personal reprezinta mici flash-uri din constiinta Divina. E de urmarit aici!
M-a facut omul asta sa-mi iau lumea in cap, m-a facut sa nu mai beau, daca ma lasa si de fumat chiar ca incepea sa miroasa a sfant pentru mine.
Imi place mult de omul asta, cand vorbeste este parca intr-un dialog cu el, intr-o relatie cu el insusi precum cea a Angelinei si a lui Bradut in vremurile bune.
Ma gandeam si la energia transcedentala cu care vine o persoana mai colorata pe aceasta lume.
Cred ca Donii cu plantatii si un milion de sclavi erau mai sclavi in conditia lor de Doni.
Sclavii aveau totusi o sansa de a se elibera!
Inspiratia nu poarta nici o vina. Trebuie sa-ti asumi calea.
N-am plecat din cauza invatamantului din tara mea, n-am plecat din cauza sistemului, n-am plecat din cauze financiare, n-am plecat pentru ca ma deranja cineva.
Am plecat pentru ca toate adunate nu mi-au dat de ales decat sa-mi urmaresc visul.
Si visul meu este sa traiesc liber si sa educ in acelasi timp oameni liberi.
Liberi de o autoritate exterioara, liberi de granitele conceptuale ale culturii.
Si urmatorul nivel in educatie ar fi cum sa “fi” fara a fi nevoit sa-ti monetizezi pasiunea.
Si sincer, n-am ajuns acolo. Momentan sunt la nivelul in care ar trebui sa cer vreo 2000$ pe un curs in care sa va explic de ce banii nu sunt importanti.
Nu cred ca asta e ideea in online, adica… cred ca-mi scapa ceva! 🙂
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