Today the World Surf League Championship started stage 5 out of 11, in Saquarema, Brazil.
There are 43 men contestants on the board and the kids took a photo together with world number 4, Kanoa Igarashi from Japan, as a reward for leaning his surfboard against our car.
Yesterday it was peaceful and quiet, today there are people everywhere. The roads are closed and we remained prisoners in the Saquarema surf association parking lot.
Not that we would have chosen something else.
The championship is nice, vacay atmosphere, music, live concerts and parties at every crossroad.
Although it’s a surf contest, everybody plays football or football tennis. There are for sure more balls on the beach than there are surfboards.
This is Brazil, you can’t come to the beach without a ball.
These days we didn’t go to cafes to work and we charged our laptop using an electricity inverter plugged in the car battery.
We have 2 batteries connected at the same time in order to double the stocking space of the much needed electric power. Well, I ran out of power and the laptop will go out in a few minutes.
This post is shorter due to technical problems. I am sorry for the inconvenience and I thank you for your understanding. ?
See you tomorrow.
Astazi a inceput Campionatul Mondial de Surf, etapa numarul 5, din Saquarema – Brazilia, din 11 etape in total.
La barbati sunt 43 de concurenti pe tabela, cu numarul 4 mondial, Japonezul Kanoa Igarashi au facut copiii poza drept rasplata ca si-a sprijinit placa de surf pe masina noastra.
Ieri era liniste si pace, astazi s-a spart conducta cu oameni si Saquarema s-a umplut ochi.
Circulatia s-a blocat, strazile s-au inchis iar noi am ramas captivi in parcarea asociatiei de surf din Saquarema.
Nu ca am fi plecat undeva.
E misto campionatul, atmosfera de vacanta, muzica, concerte live si petreceri la fiecare intersectie.
Desi este un mondial de surf, pe plaja toata lumea joaca fotbal sau tenis de picior.
Cert este ca sunt mai multe mingii de fotbal pe plaja decat placi de surf. Asta-i Brazilia, n-ai ce cauta pe plaja fara minge.
N-am mai fost la nicio cafenea sa lucram de cand suntem in Saquarema si ne-am incarcat laptop-ul cu ajutorul unui inversor de curent conectat la bateria masinii.
Avem doua baterii conectate in paralel pentru a mari capacitatea de stocare a mult ravnitei energii electrice.
Ei bine, am ramas fara curent si laptop-ul va muri in cateva minute.
Acest post este mai scurt din motive tehnice. Imi cer scuze pentru inconvenient si va multumesc pentru intelegere. ?
Pe maine!
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