Back in the times people used to travel only pushed by famish or wars. There was no tourism as a way of entertainment, traveling happened as a need.
Tourism appeared later, together with railroads and the possibility of the mass movement.
If the Grand Tour was a culture ritual of the rich, the Industrial Revolution, among others, gave Grandpa Nick the chance to let go of the cow and lean on the Tower of Pisa.
One hundred years later, another revolution takes place in which the bit is the main character. This time people have the chance to watch “live” how the twin towers collide, without them being covered in dust.
A window opens without creating a draught and without having another one close.
And this way people came to their own Inner Revolution.
Face to face, you with yourself.
And this is also on the road, like before.
We are still in Aldeia, on the road. Out of our window there are monkeys, toucans and hummingbirds.
We shower in the waterfall near the house and we poo in the bucket.
Our father is now visiting us and he got upset because we offended Grandpa Nick in his grave.
Because we moved backwards and turned back to the cow and now the Tower of Pisa faces the danger of collapsing.
What a pity that would be!
I missed my writing and I missed you.
I am back and wishing you a Happy New Year!
Inainte, oamenii nu calatoreau decat impinsi de foame sau razboaie. Nu exista turismul ca si forma de divertisment, calatoria se intampla de nevoie. Turismul a aparut tarziu, odata cu sinele de tren si cu posibilitatea mutarii maselor.
Daca Marele Tur era un ritual de culturalizare al celor mai bogati, Revolutia Industriala, printre multe altele, i-a dat sansa lui Tataie Niculaie sa lase din mana coada vacii si sa sprijine Turnul din Pisa.
Dupa alta suta de ani, se mai intampla o revolutie in care bit-ul este personajul principal. De data aceasta oamenii au posibilitatea sa vada in direct cum turnurile gemene se prabusesc, fara ca ei sa se umple de praf.
O fereastra se deschide fara sa creeze curent si fara ca alta sa se inchida.
Si asa, au ajuns oamenii la mana lor fata in fata cu Revolutia interioara.
Fata in fata, tu cu tine.
Si asta se face numai pe drum, ca inainte.
Suntem tot in Aldeia, pe drum.
La fereastra ne apar maimute, colibri si tucani.
Baie facem in cascada de langa casa si caca in galeata din dotare.
Ne-a vizitat tata si s-a suparat, pentru ca l-am deranjat pe Tataie Niculaie din pamant care s-a rasucit.
Pentru ca am regresat si am apucat din nou vaca de coada si Turnul din Pisa o sa cada! Offf… ce pacat!
Mi-am lipsit in scris si mi-ati lipsit.
Am revenit si va doresc un An Nou Fericit!
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