

We found the missing passports.  They were well guarded in a plastic box full of wet and molded books. The passports are in the same condition.

I’m a kind of sick of talking and stressing on this matter.

That’s it!

Every day, I explain to the kids that we will go to the surfing and ballet lessons but we are not going because we are busy trying not to disobey the law!

I was talking yesterday about monkeys and now I’m realizing that I am one!

Only that I’m realizing  the refutability with the banana and realizing that the other monkeys will beat the shit out of me if I only look at the banana!

What am I doing in the meantime?

I explain to kids life and situations like this and many, many others.

I explain them about bananas and how others can see in a banana an evil thing and how to understand THIS normal!

That’s what I’m doing! 🙂

It was absolutely brilliant a post I saw on a facebook group about unschooling where a mommy was asking how much does it cost a year of unschooling! :)))

A good one! I don’t have facebook because I would have been replied! 🙂

Lady, unschooling is about time, not money. One year of unschooling it will take you one year of full time parenting and it will going to cost you exactly one year! To do it good!

Someone could steal your money, but nobody can steal your time.

And it will cost you no more and no less than exactly one year.

That much it will going to cost you one year of unschooling!





Am gasit pasapoartele. Erau  puse bine, intr-o cutie cu carti, ude si mucegaite. Pasapoartele, la fel!

M-am cam saturat sa si vorbesc si sa ma si stresez, gata!

Pai le explic copiilor in fiecare zi ca maine mergem la sa vorbim cu profesorul de surfing si cu profesoara de balet  si nu mergem pentru ca noi avem capul prins sa fugim repede sa nu incalcam legea! Pai eu vorbeam de maimute ieri si acum ma simt una!

Exact asa ma simt, o maimuta care si-a dat seama ca nu se va intampla nimic daca voi lua banana!

Numai ca daca ma voi duce si voi lua banana, realizez ca celelalte maimute ma vor bate!

Ce fac intre timp?

Pai le explic copiilor situatia!

Le explic despre banane, le explic despre cum altii pot vedea banana un pericol si cum sa inteleaga acest NORMAL!

Asta fac! 🙂

Genial mi s-a parut un post intr-un grup de facebook dedicat unschooling-ului unde o mamica intreba cat costa un an de unschooling! :))))

Tare rau. N-am feisbuc pentru ca as fi ripostat! 🙂

Doamna, unschooling-ul are treaba in primul rand cu timpul, nu cu banii!

Un an de unschooling costa un an de full time parenting si costa exact un an.

La bani te mai poate fura lumea, dar la timp, nu.

Asa ca va costa exact un an, nici mai mult nici mai putin.

Cam atat costa un an de unschooling!

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