Simple is Beautiful
Today, we took a loooong walk on the beach. For hours! On the way back, we bought fruits and we had to carry them for kilometers and this was exhausting!
We have a Romanian word saying “where is no head, the feet will hurt” in our case, the hands!
Back to home, the kids stuttered to the showers, by the way, we have bathrooms remember?! 🙂
Then they retreated in their room for hours.This was a little bit peculiar because they behaved too good for too long so we entered the room just to have a look! They were surrounded by sheets of paper and crayons.
Let me tell you what was happened! Carla is writing stories and wants to publish her first book by the age of 13. Then the Universe made to meet Giu and her lovely family. If you want to find out more about our friends from Curitiba, check this link.
Giulia is 11, she have already written a book and her parents helped her and edit it.
Our dear Ana, having so many young writers as an example imagined a story as well as one’s imagination is unlimited. Ana doesn’t know how to write yet but Carla does! Aris is not so good in writing but he knows how to draw! So they all together worked as a team, everyone with his own talent, for Ana’s story. Carla offered herself to write it and Aris draw the illustrations. We find the story super cool and creative! What it means to leave a child free and help him not to be afraid to use his imagination!
So, Ana has fascinated us with her story about a little princess as in Antoine De Saint Exuperi’s novel.
I talked with Lavinia the rest of the day wondered ourselves about the sources of inspiration around us. We both agreed that nature is the main source of energy and inspiration for us, but what about the people….man….the people….
How inspirational was to meat Jean, Tatiana Sigel and her wonderful daughters. On the days we spent with them we had the pleasure to meet their friends, parents and even Jean’s grandmother!
Jean was born in Brazil around 40 years ago and he came from a family of Swiss roots. His grandmother rock in her 94 years old, and has memories from all over the World, because she and her husband surrounded the World in the 1940s.
What should I say more? A family of conquistadors of a pacifism that could not be met anymore in Europe destroyed by Hitler at that time, they found their peace in Curitiba, Brazil.
Incredible it was also the connection between Lavinia and Grandma. When the two met, they hugged each other like two old friends that have not been seen each other for a long time.
Lavinia said to me later that day that it seemed like she saw herself in 50 years.
But no more talking about that and let me tell you about Jean. After a master in creativity at Stanford and haunted by an inside Hitler generated by the irrefutability of today’s life, he successfully opens a school of creativity in collaboration with great names in the creativity world. The success don’t make him stop and as I consider him a man of the future he writes a book where he explains in a very cool way how life is that thing which happens between two plans and how little moments give grace and perfume to life.
For those interested in delicacy and scents I’m sorry to tell you that the book is in the process of post production. It will be found on Brasilian market and in Portuguese, of corse.
I am talking about this man and his family and how we inspired each other and about that moments above money and words and I am talking about the way how the kids felt together as brothers, how they spent days in the school and about…wait, my short memory is playing with me!
I‘ve already written about these things here!
So this is what we’ve done today. Walking on the beach, drawing and working to create the first e-book with kids! It is not finished yet but if you are curious, stay close because I will share it tomorrow!
Ce-am facut astazi. Mai nimc. Ne-am plimbat pe plaja cu orele, am vorbit, am cumparat fructe pe care le-am carat kilometri, fapt ce ne-a obosit teribil.
Vorba romanului, unde nu-i cap, vai de picioare, in cazul nostru de maini!
Cand am ajuns acasa, copiii s-au imbulzit la dusuri ca doar acum avem bai si apoi s-au retras in camera lor cu orele. Ni s-a parut ciudat ca prea erau cuminti si pentru prea mult timp asa ca am intrat sa verificam! In jurul lor erau foi si creioane colorate.
Pai hai sa va spun ce se intamplase! Carla s-a apucat sa scrie… povesti si-si doreste sa publice prima ei carte inainte sa implineasca 13 ani. Apoi Universul a facut sa o intalnim pe Giu si familia ei minunata. Daca doriti sa aflati mai multe despre prietenii nostri din Curitiba dati click pe urmatorul link.
Giulia are 11 ani a scris o carte iar parintii au ajutat-o sa o editeze. Draga de Ana avand in jurul ei exemple de mici scriitoare s-a gandit si ea la o poveste ca doar imaginatia este nelimitata! Ana nu stie sa scrie dar stie Carla. Aris nu este atat de bun la scris dar stie sa deseneze misto! Asa ca in formatie de 3, fiecare cu talentul si priceperea lui au scris o poveste in echipa! Carla s-a oferit sa o scrie iar Aris sa o deseneze. Povestea o gasim suuuuper misto si creativa. Ce inseamna sa lasi un copil liber si sa-l indemni sa nu-i fie frica sa-si foloseasca imaginatia!
Asa ca Ana ne-a fascinat cu povestea ei despre o mica printesa ca in romanul lui Antoine de Saint Exuperi.
Am stat de vorba cu Lavinia tot restul zilei minunandu-ne despre sursele de inspiratie din jurul nostru. Si da, natura este sursa de energie si inspiratie asta nu mai incape indoiala, dar oamenii… frate… oamenii…
Cat de inspirationala a fost intalnirea cu Jean, Tatiana Sigel si fetitele lor minunate!
In zilele petrecte la ei am avut placerea sa le cunoastem si prietenii si parintii ba chiar am cunoscut-o si pe bunica lui Jean!
Jean s-a nascut in Brazilia cu 40 de ani in urma si provine dintr-o familie cu radacini Elvetiene. Bunica lui este o stanca la cei 94 de ani ai ei, cu amintiri de prin toata lumea, pentru ca a inconjurat-o prin anii ’40.
Ce sa va zic, o familie cu spirit de conquistadori, de un pacifism care nu mai putea fi gasit intr-o Europa haituita de Hitler pe acea vreme, si-a gasit linistea in Curitiba, Brazilia.
Incredibila mi s-a parut si conexiunea dintre Lavinia si bunica. N-au dat mana cum era de asteptat cand cunosti pe cineva pentru prima oara, efectiv s-au strans in brate ca si cum erau doua prietene vechi ce nu s-au vazut de mult timp.
Lavinia mi-a zis ca s-a vazut pe ea insasi peste vreo 50 de ani!
Dar hai sa va mai zic de Jean! Dupa un master in creativitate la Stanford si haituit de catre un Hitler interior generat de irefutabilitatea vietii de azi, deschide cu succes o Scoala de Creativitate, alaturi de alte mari nume ale domeniului creativ.
Succesul nu-l aseaza si dupa cum il consider, un om al viitorului, nu se opreste aici si scoate o carte in care explica intr-un mod foarte misto cum viata este de fapt chestia aia care ti se intampla intre planuri si cum micile momente dau gratie si parfum.
Pentru cei interesati de delicatete si mirosuri cu parere de rau anunt ca Jean are cartea in proces de post productie. Nu este disponibila decat pe piata braziliana, scrisa in portugheza, bineinteles!
Vorbesc de omul asta si despre familia lui extraordinara, despre cum ne-am inspirat vietile reciproc si despre momente mai presus de bani si de cuvinte, despre cum copiii s-au simtit toti frati, despre cum am petrecut zile impreuna la scoala, despre…
Stai, memoria de scurta durata imi joaca feste. Am mai scris despre asta aici! 🙂
Pai, cam asta am facut azi, ne-am plimbat pe plaja, am desenat si am facut un mini e-book cu copiii!
Inca nu-i terminat, asa ca daca sunteti curiosi, stati pe aproape ca maine-l urc!
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