


Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful – are the words of an young internationally recognized author and social media sensation from Australia, named Beau Taplin.

Beau’s philosophy on life is simple like him and expressed in even simpler words : make it meaningful. Soon enough, we will all be bones in the ground, the oceans will dry up, the sun will burn out and nobody will be around to remember we were here at all. So go, spend your time here with heart. Find what matters to you and manifest it while you can. Because while this universe we inhabit may be infinite and unfeeling, we are not, and that is our gift.

What wonderful times we live, an explosion of life and expression, the Buddha in any form and position, an emergence of consciousness, a change …

A shift in the universe Is happening

Like a fast forward, stop and then reverse

Not only the sunset is the proof of beauty

We have the dance of Northen Lights

The sun playing hide and seek

And wind and cold and night

And it’s divine.

Is it the rest ugly?



I share this beautiful sunset with you.

We’ll make it a rule to go to catch the sunset on the beach, like vampires!

What we did today ?!

We hugged, we loved, we sang, we danced, we cuddled, we talked, we had gardening, we read, we swam in the ocean, we closed with film and with a night walk on the beach with Oscar.

Apusurile sunt dovada ca si sfarsiturile pot fi frumoase – sunt vorbele unui tanar poet de prin Australia pe nume Beau Taplin.

Filozofia de viata a tipului asta este simpla ca si el si exprimata in cuvinte si mai simple;

“fa-ti viata plina de sens. Curand vom fi toti oase in pamant, oceanele vor seca, soarele se va consuma si apune definitiv si nimeni nu va fi prin prejur sa-si aminteasca ca am fosti aici vreodata. Asa ca du-te si petrece-ti timpul aici cu inima. Gaseste ce conteaza pentru tine si manifesta acel lucru cat mai poti. Pentru ca in timp ce universul pe care-l locuim poate fi infinit si lipsit de sentimente, noi nu suntem si acesta-i darul nostru.”

Ce timpuri minunate traim, o explozie de viata si expresie, Buddha in orice forma si pozitie, o emergenta a constiintei, o schimbare…

O traim fiecare

Astazi scriu putin

Ma duc la culcare

Precum fiecare.


Maine-au anuntat

Vulturii din zare

Ca va fi soare

Si-am plecat!

Impart cu voi apusul asta frumos. O sa facem o regula  sa iesim la apus, precum  vampirii!

Cum ce-am facut azi?!

Ne-am imbratisat, ne-am iubit, am cantat, am dansat, ne-am mangaiat, ne-am vorbit, am gradinarit, am citit, am inotat in ocean, am inchis cu film si plimbarea de noapte cu Oscar pe plaja.

1 Comment
  • Valentin Huciu
    Posted at 08:20h, 14 March Reply


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