14 May PRAIA DO SARGI – 12 MAY 2020 – RAPÉ
Today I’ve made Rapé.
Rapé is a powder obtained from the mix between the ash of plants, bark tree, and mapacho or wild tobacco (nicotiana rustica).
This powder is blowed with a curved tube called tipi or kurupi.
Amazonian Indians call this practice sacred blow.
They use it before going hunting or shamanic ceremonies.
They use it for harmonizing and consider it a way of binding the spirit with the spiritual Universe. Tobacco cleanses and harmonizes.
I cannot talk about the effects because they are complex and vary from one person to another.
Traditionally the ash obtained from different trees bark, some other plants, and mapacho is turned into fine powder in a wooden mortar.
I mechanized the process and used Eugenia’s coffee grinder.
Modern cultures lack ancestral activities.
When my father visited us last year in Brazil, I took part in a ceremony for the preparation of Ayahuasca tea.
I wrote about this here and here.
I was gone for a week and returned with 3 liters of tea.
I proposed to him that we organize a family ceremony that includes him.
He asked me why.
I told him that he could get to know himself better and maybe get lucky and get to connect again with his mother and father.
He opened his eyes, his bushy eyebrows inclined at a 45 degrees angle, like a roof over his eyes and with a grave voice says:
“Gabi, please stop with this nonsense!”
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Astazi am facut Rapé.
Rapé este o pudra obtinuta din cenusa unor plante, si mapacho sau tabac salbatic (nicotiana rustica).
Aceasta pudra este suflata cu un tub curbat numit tipi sau kurupi.
Indienii din Amazon numesc acest procedeu suflul sacru.
Ei il folosesc inainte de a iesi la vanatoare sau in ceremonii samanice.
Il folosesc pentru armonizare si-l considera o forma de a lega spiritul cu Universul Spiritual. Tutunul curata si armonizeaza.
Nu pot vorbi despre efecte pentru ca ele sunt complexe si varieaza de la persoana la persoana.
In mod traditional cenusa obtinuta din diferite scoarte de copac, alte plante si mapacho este transformat dintr-un praf fin intr-un mojar de lemn.
Eu am mecanizat procesul si am rasnit ingredientele cu rasnita de cafea a Eugeniei.
Culturile moderne sunt foarte sarace in activitati ancestrale.
Cand ne-a vizitat tata anul trecut am participat la o ceremonie de preparare a ceaiului de Ayahuasca.
Am scris despre asta aici si aici.
Am fost plecat o saptamana si m-am intors cu 3 litri de ceai.
I-am propus sa organizam o ceremonie in familie si sa bea si el.
M-am intrebat de ce.
I-am raspuns, pentru a se cunoaste mai bine, si cu putin noroc poate vorbeste cu mamaie si tataie sau alti ancestori.
A facut ochii mari, sprancenele stufoase i s-au inclinat cu un unghi fix de 45 de grade formand un acoperis deasupra ochilor si cu o voce grava imi spune:
– Gabi, te rog frumos termina cu tampeniile!
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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