Two years ago we were living in Peru, in a small village in the Sacred Valley of the Incas. We chose to bring up our children in a free and adventurous way. We couldn’t leave...
Two years ago we were living in Peru, in a small village in the Sacred Valley of the Incas. We chose to bring up our children in a free and adventurous way. We couldn’t leave...
If you have not yet visited the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Peru, I strongly recommend this and please do it quickly as the area is in a continuous metamorphosis. This Sacred Valley is a...
The questions of a father and the answers of another father. Same questions, different cultures. Hello Gabi, My name is .. and I live in Romania since 2003. My business brought me to Romania and there I...
We were busy lately answering a lot of mails we have been receiving, some of them very interesting, like this one below. So, we start the year with answers! :) Hello dear ones! I just read the article...
I did what I said we were going to do. I went out of the house late and found just one lobster to buy. We paid 7$ for half a kilogram! The children ate slipper lobster...
We have a traditional family. In the years spent in Romania, Christmas always followed a certain course. The Christmas party at the kindergarten, the school party, the Christmas party at work, a meal full of...
We live very close to the tourist area of the little paradise called Bombinhas. As we have no less than 39 beautiful beaches, the area is filled up with people. It’s Christmas time! :) As everybody...
We are an extended family very tied and united, but united only on pieces and with all this, happy! This is the truth. My sister is on vacation in Panama. Besides, she is also my...
Printesa Ana si Usa Fermecata Text: Ana Voicu Ilustratii: Aris Gabriel Voicu & Carla Maria Voicu A fost odata ca niciodata o printesa pe nume Ana. Once upon a time there lived a princess named Ana. In casa ei erau foarte...
Today, we took a loooong walk on the beach. For hours! On the way back, we bought fruits and we had to carry them for kilometers and this was exhausting!...